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Re: RAC Training

From: quarkman <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 06:29:30 +1000
Message-ID: <oprs1e7gbszkogxn@haydn>

On 28 Jul 2003 04:56:31 -0700, Mike Ault <> wrote:

> (Geomancer) wrote in message
> news:<>...
>> > > He presented at North Carolina Oracle Users Group back in March on
>> 9i
>> > RAC -
>> > Often, presentation and papers are available via Oracle users group
>> > sites.
>> > This paper may also be available via TUSC's website.
>> Hi Paul,
>> It was not at IOUG, but it was a featured presentation at the
>> Southeastern Users Group Conference SEOUC, and it was OUTSTANDING. I
>> have a lot of respect for Mike Ault's talent, and I have a feeling
>> that this book will be exactly what I need. . .
>> The Oracle9i RAC clusters paper is at:
>> The RAC book can be ordered at:
>> They say the book will ship in two weeks!
> Well,
> Finally the server has let me post...before it was throwing server
> errors whenever I tried.

Odd. it didn't stop you emailing me with threats to sue me for libel, did it?

What an odd bunch the people from TUSC are: the minute you disagree with their exalted opinions of themselves, they run screaming to the lawyers. Or, worse, threaten to do so in an attempt to just keep people quiet.


> Thanks to all who have taken up for me. The
> RAC book was written by Madhu Tumma and Myself, 100%. It should be
> shipping this week. I am not aware of the errors of which have been
> spoken of in the A and M book, but would be more than happy to get a
> listing of them so they can be corrected in the next release.
> Hopefully there won't be many in the RAC book but there probably will
> be as it is not possible to test 100% of the items (for example, the
> errors in the Data Guard material due to bugs not allowing Data Guard
> usage with RAC) I do my best to ensure all of the code shown will run
> and works within the environments I have control over, (Linux and
> Windows2000) if I am lucky enough I can usually also get time on a Sun
> server during a consulting gig.
> Again, as I have said before, I would love to review the books written
> by the ones willing to cut down others works sight unseen or through
> general comments such as I know there were at least x errors somewhere
> in the book..oh, that's right, they haven't written any...
> Mike
Received on Mon Jul 28 2003 - 15:29:30 CDT

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