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Re: Configuring Oracle Portal and Oracle 9ias

From: Tim Corke <>
Date: 26 Jul 2003 07:18:58 -0700
Message-ID: <>

a <> wrote in message news:<cUjUa.26724$Ne.22474_at_fed1read03>...
> Tim Corke wrote:
> > a <> wrote in message news:<q9%Ta.26571$Ne.12550_at_fed1read03>...
> >
> >>Tim Corke wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Hi All,
> >>>
> >>>I am currently aiming to develop a small application using Oracle
> >>>Portal that will be used to display forms & HTML pages that will
> >>>display various data types within a database. This will eventually be
> >>>a small application that can be run over the Internet and teach people
> >>>in easy steps how to develop their own application.
> >>>
> >>>I have decided upon using Oracle Portal due to its easiness in
> >>>developing an interface but am unsure as to how or what i need to do
> >>>to configure this with the server.
> >>>
> >>>I aim to start developing the application in a matter of months so
> >>>havent come across any 'real' problems but would appreciate advice
> >>>into what could possibly be a stumbling block when I do.
> >>>
> >>>Are they any tips/advice that people could share with me?
> >>>Any help is much appreciated.
> >>>Tim Corke
> >>
> >>Wait to install anything until after 9iAS R2 V9.0.4 is released;
> >>otherwise you'll have to apply around 18 patchsets to achieve a
> >>functioning & useful tool.
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > Thanks for the advice..
> > Do you know when this will be?
> I heard from a semi-reliable source that the official Beta period
> for V9.0.4 ended 30 June and the code has been "frozen".
> It will be released "Real Soon Now" (RSN) & hopefully no later
> than the start of Open World in early September.

That should be ok, is it likely to mean large scale changes to the way the application would function compared to the current versions?

Just as an addition question, does anyone know if this can be run from a laptop? I only ask as I am looking to contain all of this work in one place and was looking into purchasing a laptop at the end of the summer. Received on Sat Jul 26 2003 - 09:18:58 CDT

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