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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> VSAM files to Oracle (or other RDMS)
Is there are a good document describing how to convert files from VSAM
(mainframe) to Oracle?
Are there are any straightforward caveats?
My understanding is, there is a possibility to have rows in VSAM files
that are different in structure from other rows. How does one get
around that?
What would be the best method of extraction? (Pro*Cobol?)
What are the best 'practices' to convert the files into decent
relational tables?
Are there are any books available?
The best info would be for somebody who knows VSAM well, but Oracle
(or any relational DB) not so much, beyond concepts.
Any pointers, links, success/horror stories are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
We use Oracle on Solaris 2.7 boxes
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Received on Fri Jul 25 2003 - 17:15:30 CDT