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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Real Application Clusters Requirements on Windows 2000 AS
We have two machines conected to the same scsi raid box. Both machines are running Windows 200 Advanced. The servers, raid box and raid cards are all from Dell. Since RAC allows all cluster nodes to run simultaneously, it would seam W2k AS would be in an Active/Active configuration. My network guy says there are two varieties of this - with and without a virtual server. The RAC docs don't give a lot of detail on this. Does anyone know if a virtal server is required? The plan is to use Oracle's Cluster File System (CFS) instead of separate unformatted logical drives for each Oracle file.
I've been through a lot of the docs, but haven't found a discussion of the specifics of Active/Active as it relates to Oracle RAC. There is also no discussion of how RAC and CFS interact with the W2K cluster resources and their allocation.
Anyone have some answers?
Received on Wed Jul 23 2003 - 23:18:28 CDT