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Re: tracking changes on a table through ODBC application

From: Jim Kennedy <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 14:57:32 GMT
Message-ID: <wVTRa.90019$N7.11347@sccrnsc03>

You've demonstrated a lot of tolerance for someone who is a legend in their own mind. I bet the thread stops here; it was probably used to demonstrate FUD, and fails miserably at that. probably the best thing he can do is switch to dbase.

"Billy Verreynne" <> wrote in message
> (db dude) wrote
> > > ODBC.. real time?
> > >
> > Or close to real time, but resending queries is not an option. I would
> > prefer to lower the isolation level and keep an open cursor.
> Why? I can not think off-hand on any reason why you want to that...
> Problem. How do you "detect" a change on a table and/or row.
> Answer. Trigger.
> Problem. How do I propogate changes in a table to another database
> and/or table?
> Answer. Replication/snapshots/materialised views.
> I fail to see where a cursor and ODBC fit into it... specifically
> because I see the above two problems in absense of you stating what
> problem you are attempting to solve..
> > > > One idea is to run a select query on the table (select * from table)
> > > > once, keep the resultset open throughout the lifetime of the
> > > > application, and then do SQLFetch() to get each new row that has
> > > > inserted into the table.
> > >
> > > Er.. no. That's is not only illogical, but a dumb idea. Okay, Spock
> > > would not have said dumb. But then I'm not half Vulcan.
> > >
> >
> > How is Spock or Valcan related to to my original question? Thanks for
> > your propoganda.
> Not an issue of propoganda but one of logic.
> How will the cursor know that a new row has been added to table, or an
> existing row changed?
> There are no dirty reads in Oracle. Which means you need to refresh
> the cursor every second (or faster) to keep up to date with the
> changes in the table.
> Where's the logic in that?
> > > > My question is weather it is possible to keep the resultset open and
> > > > see changes from other users in that result set. Can this be done
> > > > using a cursor?
> > >
> > > No. Read up on how Oracle provides read consistency.
> >
> > Yes, but it also provides option to change the isolation levels.
> You can also use a 12 gauge to shoot yourself in the foot. The
> question though is why on earth do you want to do that?
> > Yes, I am very well aware of databases like Oracle, Informix, and
> > others. Try not to assume to much.
> Well, you had me wondering there.. still do actually.
> > > Why do you want to monitor the table that way?
> >
> > Thats not of your concern. There are already enough people worrying
> > about that.
> If we understand the requirement, we are in a much better position to
> provide technical advice that will be relevant and useful.
> > > What business
> > > requirement are you trying to satisfy?
> >
> > Again none of your concern. There are already enough people worrying
> > about that.
> Again. If we understand the requirement, we are in a much better
> position to provide technical advice that will be relevant and useful.
> > > Have you looked at auditing?
> > >
> > Yes.
> And?
> > > Have you looked at something like datestamping rows via update/insert
> > > trigger?
> > >
> >
> > If something as simple as this would have worked, I wouln't be posting
> > on this stupid forum where people are more intersted in bullshitting
> > rather than suggeting constructive solutions.
> How on earth can we provide constructive solutions if we do not know
> what the problem is that you are attempting to solve?
> > Again. please re-read my question. I am not looking for alternative
> > solutions or speculating over what is possible or not. I am looking
> > for a solution to the excat problem that I posted. If you are not
> > capable or providing one, please don't spread garbage on the internet
> > by replying.
> You have not stated a problem. You have stated what solution you have
> came up with and now wants to know how to do it.
> Fact. You can not. The solution that you have is not a solution, nor
> can it work on Oracle. Period.
> Again - if you state WHY you want to do something like this, we can
> offer you advice on Oracle features/products/whatever that can make it
> happen.
> Have you looked at datetime stamping the rows? Have you looked at
> triggers using DBMS_PIPE notifications? Have you looked at AQ? If
> these do not work for you, then why not? What makes your problem so
> unique?
> Oracle is a feature rich environment.. your problem can very likely be
> addressed effectively and efficiently.. if you are prepared to tell us
> just what the heck it is.
> --
> Billy
Received on Fri Jul 18 2003 - 09:57:32 CDT

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