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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: + 2 patches hangs on imp, strange waits
"Anurag Varma" <> wrote in message news:<TRJQa.4230$lb7.4184_at_news02.roc.ny>...
> "Joel Garry" <> wrote in message
> ---snip--- > > hmm looks like you are hitting a bug or something is not right after applying those patches. > I could guess all I like .. but I suppose you are better off opening a TAR on this. > > Let us know if you find out the cause.
Got a tar open, worked through all the "novice" stuff ( ) , now it looks like one of two things:
Corrupt dmp file (what are the odds of that happening on my first test? :-)
2G boundary issue. Exporting the table by itself gets a 1.7G file, imports just fine. Support person mentioned there are ocassional reports of tables spanning a 2G boundary having problems, but it is not consistent, otherwise of course everyone would complain and it would be fixed. He mentioned in the old days people would put in dummy tables so real tables wouldn't span (I never did that, but I always piped into compress anyways - why would imp see a difference between a large file and a pipe?)... he also mentioned 2G is the supported limit for exp/imp - even in 9! Recommended FILESIZE.
So I'm off to try last nights export, and maybe poke about in the file to see if that table does indeed span a 2G boundary (I expect it does). I'll also try a SHOW=Y (which I shoulda done before, when I had scripted compressed exports that was part of the script). In between doing actual productive work, of course :-)
-- is bogus. on Wed Jul 16 2003 - 13:29:11 CDT