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Re: How best to move oracle9 db and binaries between similiar unix servers?

From: dias <>
Date: 11 Jul 2003 02:13:29 -0700
Message-ID: <>


Installing 9i in the server runing Oracle7 should not be a problem, once you have checked all the 9i requirements.

Of course, backup Oracle7 db and binary.

Dias (Ian) wrote in message news:<>...
> Thanks for all your responses - yes, the 'Server B' destination is a
> production machine. This production server already contains Oracle7
> and we don't feel comfortable firing up the Oracle9 installation
> outside of a change window. Hence why we are looking at other options
> such as restoring the $ORACLE_BASE tarball from Server A into an
> Oracle9 $ORACLE_BASE directory on Server B ( obviously different from
> Oracle7's $ORACLE_BASE). This procedure could be done almost anytime
> as we know those tarball files would not interfere with Oracle7's
> files. The change window to migrate to Oracle9 would then really only
> involve modifying things like oratab, environmental variables,
> post-wait kernel extenstions giving us much more time for the data
> import and resolving any issues and problems that come up.
> I forgot to mention that some time ago we performed a similar move
> (perhaps naively) with Oracle 7.3.4 binaries and datafiles to a
> different production server without i guess my question
> really is if this is an advisable practice on AIX especially with
> Oracle9?
> I have been going through the backup and recovery manuals as well as
> Oracle9's AIX specific documentation and haven't had luck finding
> specifics on backup and bare metal recovery of binaries other than
> using installation media.
> We are doing some sandbox testing to see if we can get it to work but
> by no means decided if we will use it even if it does seem to be ok.
> Again any information or experience appreciated...thanks.
> "Jeff W" <> wrote in message news:<3f0dcfba_at_shknews01>...
> > Ian,
> >
> > You should have ample time to set up your second environment by completing
> > an installation via the Oracle CDs before your window of opportunity. What
> > is the purpose of the second server? Production? Backup? Based on your
> > business need, that should help you pick the best way to move data to
> > another machine.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Jeff
> >
> > "Ian" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Hi - we need to move a database from one AIX server to
> > > another. Both servers have similiar hardware and are at the same O/S
> > > level (AIX4.3.3).
> > >
> > > Our change window is short so ideally we would simply like to tarball
> > > $ORACLE_BASE on Server A and untar on server B.
> > >
> > > Does anyone have experience with this approach? Is this method
> > > supported? And is there any documentation available specifically
> > > describing the files and directories the rdbms accesses outside of
> > > $ORACLE_BASE such as the ones in /etc/ and /usr/local/ .
> > >
> > > thanks very much
Received on Fri Jul 11 2003 - 04:13:29 CDT

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