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Re: question for daniel morgan

From: Ryan Gaffuri <>
Date: 2 Jul 2003 04:49:06 -0700
Message-ID: <>

pheonix1t <pheonix1t898oi_at_iliiearthilink.eionet> wrote in message news:<k_oMa.20966$>...
> Ryan Gaffuri wrote:
> > Phil Britton <> wrote in message news:<uznjyeirs.fsf_at_SUNWL20484.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-shoot-me>...
> >
> >>pheonix1t <pheonix1t898oi_at_iliiearthilink.eionet> writes:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Hi,
> >>>This question if for Daniel Morgan. I'm in Houston, TX and I'm trying
> >>>to learn the applications development side of Oracle. I have 10 years
> >>>of experience as a unix/windows systems admin and DBA - but no
> >>>experience with development languages (just didn't get around to
> >>>it...that's my fault!). I'm working on a project where I' working
> >>>with my friends in NYC to install and develop an Oracle 9i application
> >>>server. I've read all the docs for this procedure to prepare for
> >>>installing the infrastructure, but I'm also curious to learn how to
> >>>develop the applications (I'm going to be a "junior" developer with my
> >>>friends in NYC who will actually be doing the work via VPN - I'll just
> >>>watch and learn).
> >>>I'm a student at the Univ. of Houston, I asked around for classes that
> >>>deal with oracle development and java....turns out there aren't too
> >>>many to choose from! I was told that this univ. is a Microsoft shop!
> >>>They have tons of .Net stuff...but not that much in the way of Java or
> >>>Oracle. This seems insane to me!
> >>>So...after looking at the link that you have for the Univ. of
> >>>Washington....could you recommend books that deal with learning Java
> >>>and oracle applications development? If you could, please state which
> >>>books are used for class :)
> >>>I'm really eager to learn oracle applications development - even if
> >>>the local university doesn't teach it!
> >>>
> >>>Thank you,
> >>>
> >>>Oskar
> >>>
> >>>ps. I tried looking at the UW site to see if I could do distance
> >>>training for the oracle development classes...but when I looked, it
> >>>said they were only local where you have to physically attend....maybe
> >>>it will change soon?
> >>>I've also looked at other universities in Houston...they do have
> >>>oracle development training..but most of them are boot camp style -
> >>>just a few weeks! This is very heavy material, I doubt I'll be able
> >>>to get much out of it in a cram style class. For this sort of
> >>>material which I consider very serious - I'd much rather prefer the
> >>>traditional semester class approach - like Univ. of Wash. has!!!
> >>
> >>If you decide that you want/need/are required to do application
> >>development for an oracle RDBMS. It's important that you first learn
> >>Java. Another poster recommends the Bruce Eckel books abnd I wouldn't
> >>disagree there. Once you've got the hang of Java you could use
> >>JDeveloper, which is well-intgrated with Oracle, as a developement
> >>environment and download the tutorials on using JDeveloper from the
> >>OTN web site. They cover most aspects of developing Java applications
> >>to work with Oracle 9i and 9iAS,
> >>
> >>cheers
> >>
> >>Phil
> >
> >
> > having picked up java to a junior level on my own this year, I would
> > recommend you start by just using the SDK and install
> > textpad( it will give you the editor colors and error
> > messages. dont bother with the IDE at first.
> >
> > it takes awhile to go to a 3GL object oriented language and java is
> > just as endless as Oracle. tons of libraries, etc... btw, the best
> > java forums ive found are right on the sun site. more active than the
> > usenets.
> wow! These are all great responses...thank you very much to all of you!
> i'm very excited about starting to make progress on this end. I went to
> the bruce eckell site and downloaded that book. It's funny, but my
> friend Steve in NYC also recommended the Eckel book. He had nothing but
> great things to say about Eckel's books. I admire him a lot because
> he's got a ton of experience and knowledge that I am only beginning to
> chip away at. It'll be years before I reach his level of understanding
> about development languages and databases. Somehow I get the idea that
> he's on the same level as a lot of the regulars in this newsgroup.
> I got all the CD's for the database, AS, and developer suite the other
> day and I'm going to install them on a test machine this week.
> For getting the Java SDK, that is the one from sun right?
> I've read in a few places that even though sun is the creator of java,
> it doesn't have the best java IDE. Borland is regarded as one of the
> best this correct?
> Man...with all the details I'll have to learn about devepment and DBA
> work...this looks like it will a lifetime of learning! I thought
> getting good with unix/linux took a while!
> Best regards to all here!
> Oskar

its the SDK. get the latest version from and install it. Dotn get the JRE you can download them side by side. JRE just runs already compiled code.
All the Java IDEs(tools that give you pretty colors for code and debuggers) run on top of the SDK. you have to have that installed first.

dont bother learning an IDE at first. just get textpad from trust me. simplify things for yourself.

java can be tricky... lower level that pl/sql Received on Wed Jul 02 2003 - 06:49:06 CDT

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