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Re: Oracle certification question

From: Bert Bear <>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 21:28:46 GMT
Message-ID: <iC3P9.1373$>


Some jobs require an OCP and for some employers they even want to know your scores. As for these being good companies or not, I'm not sure.

What I do know is this. I have 5 years experience and the thing about experience is simple:

    Your experience is what your boss needs you to do (or what you do on your own).

I studied and passed my OCP 8i and 9i DBA. What value was there? Simple:

  1. I learned stuff not covered by my experiences
  2. This and my experience gives me a "well rounded" but not complete DBA education
  3. I gained confidence in my knowledge

My conclusion?

  1. I still don't know everything about being an Oracle DBA, even with 5 years experience and an OCP.
  2. While the OCP does cover some real world DBA activities, it lacks many of the real world activiites of a DBA. One example is refreshing and cloning of a database.

An person with an OCP and no experience is a beginning DBA who needs experience (hell, a college student has (most likely) more experience). He has no other value (unless he has other IT experience).

An experienced DBA without an OCP is a DBA good in some areas and (most likely) vacant in other areas. An experienced DBA with an OCP is good in some areas and has an overall understanding of the database and yes, vacant of knowledge in some areas.

Anyone who says they know it all either has been a DBA for countless years or is a liar.

Well, just my opinion.


"BK" <> wrote in message news:b12P9.3634$
> HI
> What is the best way to get Oracle certification by myself? I can see that
> at Chapters they sell set of books/CD for a few hundreds dollars. Some
> people will pay thousands to a 30 week course.
> I understand that there are 5 exams to be written and they are all
> choices.
> How does Oracle certification helps with job hunting? Please share your
> precious experiences.
> Thanks in advance
Received on Fri Dec 27 2002 - 15:28:46 CST

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