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Re: Thanks to those who helped, may the rest KISS MY ?@#$%?!

From: Karen Abgarian <>
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2002 07:45:23 GMT
Message-ID: <>

This is actually the first post I checked after few months of absense (I sort them by date).

Why am I not surprised to find Howard beating crap out of somebody :)

Merry Christmas and peace

"Howard J. Rogers" wrote:

> "Burt" <> wrote in message
> news:DM6O9.61085$
> > I don't think the attitude problems you see in this newsgroup are
> > representative of most Oracle DBAs.
> >
> Absolutely. Only a very few posters here claim 10 years plus of experience
> as if that gives them God-given rights to be so profoundly wrong it's not
> funny.
> Most people here have a life. Be it opera, cats, flying or (perish the
> thought) David Bowie. Most people here don't mind the occasional stuff-up,
> mishap or mistake. Only people claiming 10+ years of experience think that
> their experience makes it OK to start saying things like "your attitude
> sucks". Of course, the fact that they have just been shown to be as
> knowledgable as a flea with a hernia probably has something to do with that.
> > You will get much better treatment from the forums in Metalink.
> Of course: be aware, however, that the greatest Oracle brains aren't
> anywhere near Metalink. They are actually here in this newsgroup. On
> Metalink you have people who are being paid by the corporation that provides
> the software you use. Their incentive to tell it like it is, is about zero.
> But whatever. It's Christmas. So lighten up, enjoy the challenge, and have
> fun.
> >Responses
> > are usually very quick from Oracle analysts getting paid to respond and
> from
> > non-Oracle people. Of course, it requires a valid license CSI. From your
> > earlier comments in other post on your environment, I suspect/hope this
> > isn't a problem for you.
> >
> > Try URL
> >
> Quite what's wrong with, I'm not sure.
> But then Burt's posts are always full of interesting detail. Most of which
> are wrong... but what the heck! At least it's text!!
> Regards
> >
> > "Syster" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > > Now I know why I don't like Oracle, it's because the DBA's and
> > > Developers are such arrogant #$%#!@. Get a life!
> >
> >
> >
Received on Wed Dec 25 2002 - 01:45:23 CST

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