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Re: moron OEM and RBS

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 09:52:05 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Joel Garry wrote:

> DA Morgan <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > Joel Garry wrote:
> >
> > > ...So someone decides to add a datafile to the RBS tablespace because
> > > a gigantic update filled up the original. OK, fine. I decide I want
> > > the original one and don't want the new one. The new one just has 3
> > > extents from the RB segment in it, no problem, right? Increase size
> > > of original datafile. Shrink the segment, offline the segment, drop
> > > segment, offline the new datafile. No wait, now it is
> > > offline(recover), recover it. Try alter database datafile ... offline
> > > drop, OEM says it needs recovery. OK, recover it. Put datafile
> > > online, try command line offline drop again. Oh well, recover it
> > > again, leave it offline. Create new RB segment online with OEM, look
> > > at tablespace map... what the... It puts online segment extents in
> > > offline datafile??? Offline and drop new segment, iterate, thinking
> > > that can't be real. Finally shrink unwanted datafile to 16K, able to
> > > create new RBS's in proper datafile.
> > >
> > > sigh...
> > >
> > > 2.2 OEM on 8.1.7 hp/ux 11.
> > >
> > > jg
> > > --
> > > @home is bogus.
> > > Anybody remember to change the tape...
> >
> > Just did the same thing today on a database I use for teaching. Did it
> > this way
> >
> > 1. Create new RBS tablespace
> > 2. Create new rollback segments and bring them online
> > 3. Take all old rollback segments off-line
> > 4.. Drop original tablespace with INCLUDING CONTENTS suffix
> >
> > Far less painful.


> Yah, that's what I would have done in my command-line bias, but I'm
> trying to force myself to use OEM and all those wonderful newer
> features my OCP certification taught me. I was just so amazed that it
> would put online segments in an offline datafile I had to post
> something. I was so slack-jawed in amazement I had to try it several
> times to be sure I wasn't hitting some OEM refresh bug. Sometime I'll
> have a test instance and try to replicate it in command line mode, I
> was hoping someone might find this interesting.

> Still wondering how to get rid of that extra datafile without dropping
> the whole tablespace or bringing the instance down. The SQL commands
> are out there... Maybe I just need to ignore OEM completely?

> jg
> --
> @home is bogus.
> "Sounds like a #9"

I've never found a use for OEM ... or for that matter for most GUI tools.

To me they are about 90% dumbing down and about 10% functional.

Daniel Morgan Received on Tue Dec 17 2002 - 11:52:05 CST

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