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Re: SQL Syntax Query - sorry

From: Bert Bear <>
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 00:43:24 GMT
Message-ID: <MeQK9.2271$>


Working simply with what you gave us (as opposed to what you might be doing in the end). Why not try:

desc family

 Name                                Type
 ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 FAMILYID                            NUMBER(10)
 CHILDNAME                           VARCHAR2(25)
 BIRTHDATE                           DATE

select * from family order by familyid;

---------- ------------------------- --------------------
         1 Robert                    01-Jul-0075 00:00:00
         2 Mary                      21-Aug-0070 00:00:00
         2 Felix                     21-Sep-0072 00:00:00
         2 Robert                    14-Jan-0068 00:00:00
         2 Rex                       17-Feb-0066 00:00:00
         5 Douglas                   21-Aug-0070 00:00:00
         5 William                   04-Apr-0073 00:00:00
         7 Murtle                    02-Mar-0063 00:00:00
         7 Robert                    25-Feb-0058 00:00:00
         7 Rex                       31-Jan-0061 00:00:00
         9 Miranda                   02-Mar-0063 00:00:00
         9 Marion                    28-Apr-0069 00:00:00

12 rows selected.

select familyid
  from family
 where familyid in (select familyid

                      from family
                  group by familyid
                    having count(*) >= 2)
   and childname in ('Robert','Rex');



When you need to look at a family of 8 with say 'Bert', 'Robert','Douglas' as names, you need only change the having clause and last part of the where clause.

Bertram Moshier
Oracle Certified Professional 8i and 9i DBA

"Colin McGuire" <> wrote in message
> Embarassingly I am in the position of having to publically ask a
> question on syntax for an SQL query. I would like an SQL query that
> retrieves the family ID for all families that have at least two
> children such that two of the childrens names are 'Rex' and 'Robert'.
> I have created some dummy data/table definitions below. In addition,
> at the bottom of this posting, you can find my sad yet successful
> attempt at constructing such a query (using Oracle 8 personal on a
> Windows XP home computer).
> drop table tbl_family;
> drop type children_nt;
> drop type children_ty;
> create or replace type children_ty as object (childname varchar2(25),
> birthdate date);
> /
> create or replace type children_nt as table of children_ty;
> /
> --create a table with nested table of the children
> create table tbl_family(familyid number(10) primary key, children
> children_nt)
> nested table children store as tbl_nt_children;
> --insert some dummy data
> insert into tbl_family(familyid, children)
> values (1,children_nt(children_ty('Robert','01-Jul-75')));
> insert into tbl_family(familyid, children)
> values (2,children_nt(children_ty('Mary','21-Aug-70'),
> children_ty('Felix','21-Sep-72'),
> children_ty('Robert','14-Jan-68'),
> children_ty('Rex','17-Feb-66')));
> insert into tbl_family(familyid, children)
> values (5,children_nt(children_ty('Douglas','21-Aug-70'),
> children_ty('William','04-Apr-73')));
> insert into tbl_family(familyid, children)
> values (9,children_nt(children_ty('Miranda','28-Apr-69'),
> children_ty('Marion','28-Apr-69')));
> insert into tbl_family(familyid, children)
> values (7,children_nt(children_ty('Murtle','02-Mar-63'),
> children_ty('Robert','25-Feb-58'),
> children_ty('Rex','31-Jan-61')));
> --do a quick dump of everything so I can see what is going on
> select t1.familyid,t2.*
> from tbl_family t1, table(t1.children) t2;
> --and the following query gives on solution to my question 'what are
> the
> --id's of the families that have at least two children and two of the
> --childrens names are Rex and Robert.
> select t1.familyid
> from tbl_family t1,
> table(t1.children) t2,
> tbl_family t3,
> table(t3.children) t4
> where t2.childname = 'Rex' and t4.childname='Robert'
> and t1.familyid=t3.familyid;
> I don't like this query at all because for two childrens names, I
> effectively have four tables/inner joins etc, and if I were to want to
> ask for names of families that have 8 children with various names (yes
> I know this is unlikely but the real data isn't families, just using
> this model so that everyone can easily understand my requirements),
> then the whole construction loses all scalability. What I would like
> is for one of the Oracle guru's to point me in the right direction and
> write something magical and syntactically correct if possible (unlike
> the following contrived and invalid pseudo-query that represents what
> I want):
> select familyid
> from .......
> where all the childrensnames are in ('Rex' and 'Robert');
> All comments most welcome, even ones criticising my design :)
> Kind regards
> Colin McGuire
Received on Sat Dec 14 2002 - 18:43:24 CST

Original text of this message