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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> TNS ORA-12500 - which unix user is used?
I am getting the error ORA-12500 regarding the TNS listener failing to start a dedicated server process on my HP-UX box. There are several suggestions on Google as to the cause and the solution. The most common of these is that the maximum number of processes has been reached for the unix user. What I am surprised at is that it appears to be the "oracle" user that always owns these server processes. I have a few questions about this that I would be most grateful for an expert's opinion on:
(1) Is it always the oracle user that owns the dedicated server
(2) If the answer to (1) is yes, if I have an application used by 100
clients connecting to the database on the HP-UX box, the maximum
number of processes per user has to be set to 100+ (ignoring
MTS/Shared Server) ?
(3) Can the maximum number of processes be set on a per-user basis (I
know it's not really the right group for this question).
(4) Can I have several listeners, and would it help? [If I did have
several listeners, would I have to have a "pool" of JDBC url
connection strings corresponding to the ports that the listeners were
listening on?]
Many thanks,
Received on Thu Dec 12 2002 - 17:53:48 CST