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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: pinning a table in memory
David Sharples wrote:
> We have a largeish table (6 million records) and the queries we have on this
> table are a tad slow and the disk is the bottleneck.
> We have considered putting the table in cache (alter table xyz cache)
> Was wondering if this would help very much seeing as though the indexes for
> this table is still held on disk.
> Any opinions??
> Thanks
If you are running 8.1.6 or better *and* you have plenty of memory *and* the table size allows you to keep the sga size below OS/Oracle max. addressable memory *or* you run 64 bit Oracle *and* OS --- then you could convert the table into an index organized table (iot) and target that for the keep pool with sufficient space allocation (no aging out), and you use the iot index in your query --- then access is as fast as it gets (when the table is loaded into memory by non full scans, i.e.. index based lookup)
/Svend Jensen Received on Sun Dec 01 2002 - 06:34:55 CST