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Re: Learn Oracle?

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 22:47:15 GMT
Message-ID: <>

"Howard J. Rogers" wrote:

> "Dusan Bolek" <> wrote in message
> > "Howard J. Rogers" <> wrote in message
> news:<acrgnf$2cb$>...
> > > Sorry. I thought you said you wanted to learn Oracle. Fat chance of
> doing
> > > that on a Win9x platform. Dump 98, and load XP or 2000. Then you can
> learn
> > > the Enterprise Edition properly. You are crippling yourself before you
> even
> > > start if you insist on sticking with 98.
> >
> > Has been Oracle 9i already certified on WIN XP ? I thought that
> > WIN2000 is the only Windows for Oracle EE.
> 9i release 2 is certified for XP. Prior to that, 2000 only, correct.
> > > Any reasonably capable PC, with 300MHz or faster processor and stacks
> upon
> > > stacks of RAM.
> >
> > In fact, Oracle 9i 9.0.1 (first release) works with no problem on PC
> > only equipped with 256MB RAM. No big performance, but for learning
> > very sufficient.
> > I still do not have new 9i second release, so I do not know if some
> > "memory optimalisation" was used and 512MB is a minimum.
> >
> > > I just downloaded Oracle 9i release 2, all 1.6Gb (or so) of it, and on a
> 56K
> > > dialup modem, with GetRight download software to cope when the line got
> > > dropped. It was painful. I wouldn't recommend it. It took about 4 days,
> 24
> > > hours a day.
> >
> > You should get a medal for patience. Three ISO images on dialup is a
> > great achievement. Looks like you have been teacher for so long time,
> > that your patience developed to really high level. :-)) However looks
> > strange when Oracle guy must use a dialup to get Oracle software.
> > I'm using 128kbs line for downloading Oracle releases and it still
> > takes a lot of time to get three ISOs.
> >
> > > No, they are fully working versions. The only restriction is the
> licence:
> > > thou shalt not use them to develop commercial software which earns you a
> > > packet, without sharing some of it back with Oracle first.
> >
> > I'm not sure of this. I've read a licence few times and it seems to me
> > like developing software is free and you must buy software just to
> > move to production.
> >
> True enough, I think... hence the careful use of the phrase 'develop
> software...which earns you a packet': presumably, you only start earning the
> dosh when it is sold as a production system.
> > > Maybe you should become a consultant instead?
> >
> > Heh, that was so Sybrandish. :-)))))
> >
> It was a *joke*!!! Some of my best friends are consultants. ;-)
> Regards
> > --
> > _________________________________________
> >
> > Dusan Bolek, Ing.
> > Oracle team leader
> >
> > Note: has been cancelled due to changes (maybe we
> > can call it an overture to bankruptcy) on that server. I'm still using
> > this email to prevent SPAM. Maybe one day I will change it and have a
> > proper mail even for news, but right now I can be reached by this
> > email.

And does it also hold true that some of your best consultants are friends? ;-)

Daniel Morgan Received on Mon May 27 2002 - 17:47:15 CDT

Original text of this message