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Re: Corrupt datafile of TEMPORARY tablespace

From: RSH <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 22:01:50 GMT
Message-ID: <iLyH8.2387$>

That was really mean.( Directed at Sybrand/)

I don't know your version, release, or O/S and plaform, but TEMP should be able to fail nearly regardless. Recreate a new TEMP tablespace (wherever you had it, somewhere else if you can) using the offline modes of database maintenance and bring Oracle down to cold and start. TEMP segments and a crashed database normally have not caused an irreconcilable problem, only lots of REDO work.

If your TEMP tablespace(s) and their datafiles were allowed to autoexpand, that is not a good thing.

It's never been a good thing.

Sybrand, despite his rough edges occasionally, gives good advice and I would not take his advice as a personal insult or such.

"Sybrand Bakker" <> wrote in message
> "Neki Lik" <> wrote in message
> news:aclv3d$dosu$
> > Hi all,
> >
> > in one of our databases (Oracle SE / WinNT) an user
> > swiched the server off while it was doing a big SQL query (and nothing
> > else!).
> > Now, database cannot start because temp datafile isn't as big as Oracle
> > expect it would be. Autoexpand was on (on that datafile) and probably
> > datafile was expanding while user switched off the server.
> >
> > I supose that information in temporary datafile isn't important at all
> > the rest of the data (another tablespaces).
> >
> > My questions are next:
> >
> > 1. Is there any utility that can fix header of bad datafile?
> > 2. Can I in any way put some other temp datafile in place of this one
> > (created using exact same installation of Oracle, but with other SID,
> in
> > the same tablespace)?
> > 3. What and where should I change in header in that "replacement"
> > (using hex editor)?
> > I tried to do this, and done some experimenting, and manage to realize
> that
> > among other things, header contains information of tablespace in which
> > datafile belongs, SID of the database and, of course, block cheksums.
> > Now, when I change those info (tblspace name and SID) dbverify reports
> that
> > cheksum is invalid and compute the cheksum (I manage to find where it
> rests
> > in file), but I can't change it since the checksum itself is used in
> > calculation of cheksum (am I right?). Help.
> > 4. Or there is another easy way to do it, and I'm just not aware of it?
> >
> > Thanks in advance...
> >
> >
> >
> Quite evidently you are just dangerous to any Oracle database, as you seem
> to know absolutely nothing about Oracle administration. You are also
> in a dangerous environment when it is possible for 'an user' to switch the
> system off.
> All your ideas above result in a screwed up database.
> The ordinary 'utility' is called *recovery*. That would be useless in your
> situation, as I can bet you are running in noarchivelog.
> As this is a temporary tablespace, just drop it and recreate it.
> Then just rush to your Server Administrators manuals or to a bookshop in
> Oracle to *learn* Oracle administration.
> Or you must really want to change job
> Regards
> --
> Sybrand Bakker
> Senior Oracle DBA
> to reply remove '-verwijderdit' from my e-mail address
Received on Fri May 24 2002 - 17:01:50 CDT

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