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Re: 9i PreInstallation Script for Unix

From: David Simpson <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 11:29:53 GMT
Message-ID: <NupH8.20429$cQ3.796@sccrnsc01>

You may want to take a look at the Installgen application. It creates the database creation scripts along with pre-install and post-install scripts to configure backup/recovery and documentation files. You can download a demo at:

David Simpson

"Mike Alba" <> wrote in message
> #!/bin/sh
> ####################################################################
> # Oracle PreInstallation Check
> # Date: May 24 2002
> # This version works on Tru64, HP, Solaris, Linux and AIX
> # This script is designed to check your Server to ensure that it has
> adequate
> # resources to successfully Install the Oracle Database Software.
> # This script will generate a report called Oracle_PreInstall_Report to
> # /tmp/Oracle_PreInstall_Report
> # Instructions:
> # 1. Log in as the unix user that will be installing the Database Software
> # 2. Run this script.
> # 3. Fix any changes that are reported in the
> # 4. You will now be ready to successfully install your Database Software
> ####################################################################
> PLATFORM=`uname -s`
> REPORT=/tmp/Oracle_InstallPrep_Report
> if [ $PLATFORM = "HP-UX" -o $PLATFORM = "Linux" ]
> then
> USER=`/usr/bin/whoami`
> else
> if [ $PLATFORM = "AIX" ]
> then
> USER=`/usr/bin/whoami`
> else
> USER=`/usr/ucb/whoami`
> fi
> fi
> ################################################################
> # Check to see if you are logged in as the correct Unix user
> #
> if [ $USER = "root" ]
> then
> echo "You are logged in as $USER"
> echo "Please log in as the user that will be installing the Oracle
> Database"
> echo "Software. This user should not be root."
> echo "Exiting"
> exit 1;
> else
> echo "You are currently logged on as $USER "
> fi
> echo "Is $USER the unix user that will be installing Oracle Software? y
> or n "
> read answer
> if [ "$answer" != y ]
> then
> echo "You have not confirmed that $USER is the user that will"
> echo "be installing Oracle Software"
> echo "Notice that a lower-case y must be typed to confirm this
> echo "Exiting the PreInstall Check Script\n"
> echo "Please log in as the user that will be installing Oracle"
> echo "Then rerun this script \n"
> exit 1;
> else
> `touch $REPORT; chmod 777 $REPORT`
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo " Output from the Oracle PreInstallation Check
> Script. " > $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "To successfully install the Oracle Database Software you
> must resolve" >>$REPORT
> echo "each item listed in this Report. " >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Enter the unix group that will be used during the
> installation"
> echo " Default: dba"
> read GROUP
> if [ "$GROUP" = "" ]
> then
> GROUP=dba
> else
> echo "You have entered $GROUP "
> fi
> fi
> ##################################################
> # TEMP Section #
> # Receives $PLATFORM from uname above #
> # gives you amount of space in /tmp in Kbyte #
> # Written by rneville #
> ##################################################
> GetTemp () { # Begin GetTemp function
> case $PLATFORM in
> HP-UX )
> TEMP=`df -k /tmp | grep free | awk '{print $NR}'`
> ;;
> SunOS )
> TEMP=`df -k /tmp | awk '{print $4}' | sed '1d'`
> ;;
> AIX )
> TEMP=`df -k /tmp | awk '{print $3}' | sed '1d'`
> ;;
> OSF1 )
> TEMP=`df -k /tmp | awk '{print $4}' | sed '1d'`
> ;; #
> Linux )
> TEMP=`df -k /tmp | awk '{print $4}' | sed '1d'`
> ;;
> *) # Platform not supported - should not get here
> echo platform $PLATFORM not supported
> TEMP =-1 # Return -1 if the platform is not supported
> esac
> } # end GetTemp
> ##################################################
> # Physical Memory Section #
> # Receives $PLATFORM from uname #
> # Returns PHYSICAL_MEMORY in Kbyte #
> # Written by rneville #
> ##################################################
> GetPhysicalMemory () { # Begin GetPhysicalMemory function in Kbytes
> case $PLATFORM in
> HP-UX )
> PHY_TEST=`/usr/sbin/dmesg | grep Physical: | awk '{print $8}'`
> if [ "$PHY_TEST" -eq "" ]
> then
> else
> fi
> ;;
> SunOS )
> PHYSICAL_MEMORY=`/usr/sbin/prtconf | grep "Memory size" | awk
> '{print $3}'`
> ;;
> AIX )
> PHYSICAL_MEMORY=`/usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem | awk
> '{print $2}'`
> ;;
> OSF1 )
> PHYSICAL_MEMORY=`/usr/bin/vmstat -P | grep -i 'Total Physical Memory
> = ' | awk -F = '{print $NF}'| awk -F. '{print $1}'`
> ;; #
> Linux )
> PHYSICAL_MEMORY=` cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | awk '{print
> ;;
> *) # Platform not supported - should not get here
> echo platform $PLATFORM not supported
> PHYSICAL_MEMORY=-1 # Return -1 if the platform is not
> esac
> } # end GetPhysicalMemory
> GetPhysicalMemory
> ##################################################
> # Generic User and Shell Section #
> # Written by rneville #
> ##################################################
> echo "Unix ORACLE_HOME Directory Verification" >> $REPORT
> echo "_______________________________________" >> $REPORT
> echo "Enter Location where you will be installing Oracle"
> echo " Default: /u01/app/oracle/product/oracle9i"
> read OH
> if [ "$OH" = "" ]
> then
> OH=/u01/app/oracle/product/oracle9i
> else
> :
> fi
> if test -z "$OH"
> then
> echo "You did not provide the location that Oracle will be
> installed"
> echo "Setting your ORACLE_HOME to No_Location_Given"
> OH=No_Location_Given
> fi
> if test -d "$OH"
> then
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Directory $OH currently exists, during installation these
> contents" >> $REPORT
> echo "will be overwritten. It is highly recommended to delete these
> contents" >> $REPORT
> echo "prior to install!" >> $REPORT
> if test -w "$OH"
> then
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Directory $OH is writable" >> $REPORT
> OH_SPACE=`df -k $OH | awk '{print $4}' | sed '1d'`
> if [ $OH_SPACE -lt 2097152000 ]
> then
> echo " -- Directory $OH has $OH_SPACE of space." >> $REPORT
> echo " -- A Typical Installation of 8.1.x requires more than
> 1.2Gb " >> $REPORT
> echo " -- A Typical Installation of 9.x requires more than
> 2.2Gb " >> $REPORT
> else
> echo " -- Disk Space should be enough to accomodate a Typical
> Install"
> fi
> else
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo " -- Change the owner of $OH to $USER and make it writable"
> >> $REPORT
> fi
> else
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Directory $OH does not currently exist." >> $REPORT
> echo "Ensure it is created and is owned by $USER" >> $REPORT
> fi
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Your Operating System is $PLATFORM"
> echo "Gathering information... Please wait "
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> ##################################################
> # Check to ensure the unix user is in /etc/passwd#
> ##################################################
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unix User Verification" >> $REPORT
> echo "______________________" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo
> echo "Checking unix user ..."
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> if [ $PLATFORM = "HP-UX" ]
> then
> USERCOMMAND=`grep ^$USER: /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
> else
> USERCOMMAND=`grep -w $USER /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
> fi
> if [ "$USER" = "$USERCOMMAND" ]
> then
> echo "$USER correctly exists in /etc/passwd " >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "user test passed "
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> SH=`grep $USER /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | awk -F/
> '{print $NF}'`
> else
> echo "The unix user $USER is not in /etc/passwd" >> $REPORT
> echo " - You must add $USER the /etc/passwd file." >>$REPORT
> echo " - NIS managed users are not recommended" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unix USER Verification Failed" >> $REPORT
> echo "user test Failed"
> fi
> ########################################
> # List what umask and unix environment #
> # variables need to be set #
> # Writes to $REPORT #
> ########################################
> echo
> echo "Checking unix umask ... "
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> MASK=`umask`
> if [ $MASK -eq 022 ]
> then
> echo "umask of $MASK is set correctly " >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "umask test passed "
> else
> echo "umask currently set to $MASK" >> $REPORT
> echo "umask must be set to 022 " >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "umask test Failed " >> $REPORT
> echo " " >> $REPORT
> echo "umask test Failed "
> echo
> fi
> if [ "$SH" = "csh" ]
> then
> echo "The following environment variables must be set in your
> .cshrc file" >> $REPORT
> echo "for the $USER user.">> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "setenv ORACLE_HOME $OH" >> $REPORT
> echo "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $OH/lib" >> $REPORT
> echo "setenv PATH $OH/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:\$PATH" >> $REPORT
> else
> echo "The following environment variables must be set in your
> .profile file" >>$REPORT
> echo "for the $USER user." >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OH/lib" >> $REPORT
> echo "PATH=$OH/bin:\$PATH" >> $REPORT
> echo "export \$ORACLE_HOME" >> $REPORT
> echo "export \$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> $REPORT
> echo "export \$PATH" >> $REPORT
> fi
> if [ "$OH" != No_Location_Given ]
> then
> :
> else
> echo "\nWhen running this script you did not provide a location
> where " >>$REPORT
> echo "Oracle will be installed" >> $REPORT
> # echo "Change the value of No_Location_Given to the location where
> Oracle will be installed in." >> $REPORT
> fi
> ######################################
> # Check Group info from /etc/group #
> # Writes to $REPORT its findings #
> ######################################
> echo
> echo "Checking unix group ... "
> # Verify that the GROUP specicfied does exist in /etc/group file
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unix Group Verification" >> $REPORT
> echo "_______________________" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> if [ $PLATFORM = "HP-UX" ]
> then
> GROUPCOMMAND=`grep ^$GROUP: /etc/group | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
> else
> GROUPCOMMAND=`grep -w $GROUP /etc/group | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
> fi
> if [ "$GROUP" = "$GROUPCOMMAND" ]
> then
> echo "$GROUP exist" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unix Group Verification Passed" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unix Group test passed"
> echo
> else
> echo "The unix group $GROUP does not exist" >> $REPORT
> echo "You must create the unix group $GROUP as the root user
> and " >>$$REPORT
> echo "add $USER to this group or select a different unix group
> that" >>$REPORT
> echo "already exists in /etc/group" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unix Group Verification Failed" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unix Group test Failed "
> echo
> fi
> ################################################# #
> # Get Cluster Status if installing RAC option #
> # If RAC is not intended to be installed then #
> # this section will ensure that a cluster will not#
> # hinder a Typical Installation. #
> # Written by rneville 04-Apr-2002 #
> ################################################# #
> GetClusterInfo () { # Begin GetClusterInfo function
> echo
> echo "Checking for a cluster..."
> case $PLATFORM in
> HP-UX )
> echo $PLATFORM Cluster test
> if test -f "/usr/sbin/cmviewcl"
> then
> clu_status=`/usr/sbin/cmviewcl | sed -n 3p | awk '{print $2}'`
> if [ $clu_status != up ]
> then
> echo
> echo "This node is not in a cluster so you cannot install
> the RAC option"
> else
> clu_members_up=`/usr/sbin/cmviewcl | sed -n 4,10p | grep up
> | wc | awk '{print $1}'`
> echo "Cluster has been detected"
> if [ "$clu_members_up" -gt "0" ]
> then
> echo "You have a cluster and $clu_members_up cluster members
> are curently up"
> else
> echo "No members of your cluster is in the UP status, "
> echo "RAC option cannot be installed"
> echo "Since a cluster has been detected or partially
> detected,"
> echo "during a Typical Installation the RAC option is
> automatically installed"
> echo "This causes problems, Run a Custom Install
> instead!!!"
> fi
> fi
> else
> echo
> echo "Cluser admin files are not present"
> fi
> ;;
> SunOS )
> echo $PLATFORM Cluster test
> if test -f "/usr/cluster/bin/scconf"
> then
> sun_cluster=3X
> else
> if test -f "/opt/SUNWcluster/bin/get_node_status"
> then
> sun_cluster=2X
> else
> sun_cluster=none
> fi
> fi
> case $sun_cluster in
> 2X )
> sun_cluster_version=2.x
> # echo $sun_cluster_version test
> clu_members=`/opt/SUNWcluster/bin/get_node_status | grep
> "membership:" | awk '{print $NF + 1}'`
> clu_members_up=`/opt/SUNWcluster/bin/get_node_status | grep
> "membership:" | awk '{print $NF + 1}'`
> echo "Cluster has been detected"
> if [ "$clu_members_up" -gt "0" ]
> then
> echo "You have $clu_members cluster members configured
> and $clu_members_up are curently up"
> else
> echo "No members of your cluster is in the UP status, "
> echo "RAC option cannot be installed"
> echo "Since a cluster has been detected or partially
> detected,"
> echo "during a Typical Installation the RAC option is
> automatically installed"
> echo "This causes problems, Run a Custom Install
> instead!!!"
> fi
> ;;
> 3X )
> sun_cluster_version=3.x
> echo $sun_cluster_version has been detected
> clu_members=`/usr/cluster/bin/scstat -n | grep "Cluster
> node:" | wc | awk '{print $1}'`
> clu_members_up=`/usr/cluster/bin/scstat -n | grep "Online"|
> wc | awk '{print $1}'`
> echo "Cluster has been detected"
> if [ "$clu_members_up" -gt "0" ]
> then
> echo "You have $clu_members cluster members configured
> and $clu_members_up are curently up"
> else
> echo "No members of your cluster is in the UP status, "
> echo "RAC option cannot be installed"
> echo "Since a cluster has been detected or partially
> detected,"
> echo "during a Typical Installation the RAC option is
> automatically installed"
> echo "This causes problems, Run a Custom Install
> instead!!!"
> fi
> ;;
> none )
> sun_cluster_version=none
> echo $sun_cluster_version test
> ;;
> *) # Cluster test uses files found in either SunCluster
> 2.x or 3.x for cluster test
> echo platform $sun_cluster not supported
> sun_cluster_version=-1 # Return -1 if the version is
> not in this script
> esac
> ;;
> AIX )
> if test -f "/usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstat"
> then
> clu_aix=`/usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstat -a << EOF
> quit
> EOF`
> clu_aa=`echo "$clu_aix" | sed 12,33d`
> echo "$clu_aa " > /tmp/oracle_cluster_test
> CLUSTER_TEST_ERROR=`cat /tmp/oracle_cluster_test | sed -n 1p | awk
> '{print $1}'`
> if [ "$CLUSTER_TEST_ERROR" = "Display" ]
> then
> echo
> echo "Due to OS utility limitation, the window in which you are
> running "
> echo "this script from must be at least 24 lines by 80 columns
> in order"
> echo "to run the cluster check section."
> echo "Simply enlarge this window and run this script again to get
> echo "proper cluster test results"
> echo
> else
> cluster_status=` cat /tmp/oracle_cluster_test | sed -n 5p | awk
> -FState: '{print $2}' | awk -FNodes '{print $1}' | /usr/bin/cut -c1-3`
> echo "Cluster test ERROR: $CLUSTER_TEST_ERROR"
> if [ $cluster_status != UP ]
> then
> echo "This node is not in a cluster so you cannot install
> the RAC option"
> else
> clu_members_up=`cat /tmp/oracle_cluster_test | sed -n 5p |
> awk -FNodes: '{print $NF}'`
> echo "Cluster has been detected"
> if [ "$clu_members_up" -gt "0" ]
> then
> echo " You have a cluster and $clu_members_up cluster
> memebers are curently up"
> else
> echo "No members of your cluster is in the UP status, "
> echo "RAC option cannot be installed"
> echo "Since a cluster has been detected or partially
> detected,"
> echo "during a Typical Installation the RAC option is
> automatically installed"
> echo "This causes problems, Run a Custom Install
> instead!!!"
> fi
> fi
> rm /tmp/oracle_cluster_test
> fi
> else
> echo "\nCluser admin files are not present"
> fi
> ;;
> OSF1 )
> if test -f "/usr/sbin/clu_get_info"
> then
> clu_status=`/usr/sbin/clu_get_info | wc | awk '{print $1}'`
> if [ "$clu_status" -eq "0" ]
> then
> echo "This node is not in a cluster so you cannot install
> the RAC option"
> else
> clu_members=`/usr/sbin/clu_get_info | grep "Member state" |
> wc | awk '{print $1}'`
> clu_members_up=`/usr/sbin/clu_get_info | grep "Member state
> = UP" | wc | awk '{print $1}'`
> echo "Cluster has been detected"
> if [ "$clu_members_up" -gt "0" ]
> then
> echo "You have $clu_members cluster members configured and
> $clu_members_up are curently up"
> else
> echo "No members of your cluster is in the UP status, "
> echo "RAC option cannot be installed"
> echo "Since a cluster has been detected or partially
> detected,"
> echo "during a Typical Installation the RAC option is
> automatically installed"
> echo "This causes problems, Run a Custom Install
> instead!!!"
> fi
> fi
> else
> echo
> echo "Cluser admin files are not present"
> fi
> ;; #
> Linux )
> echo
> echo "$PLATFORM Cluster test section has not been implemented yet"
> ;;
> *) # Platform not supported - should not get here
> echo platform $PLATFORM not supported
> CLUSTER_INFO=-1 # Return -1 if the platform is not supported
> esac
> } # end GetClusterInfo
> ##################################################
> # Get total swap and return TOTAL_SWAP in kbytes #
> # Written by bleve_at_us 18-SEP-2001 #
> ##################################################
> GetSwap () { # Begin GetSwap function
> case $PLATFORM in
> ######
> HP-UX )
> syslog=/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
> total_swap=`cat $syslog | awk -v extswap=0 'BEGIN{
> swapflg = 0 # Needed to break passes
> total_swap = 0 # Func variable for holding swap value
> }
> {
> if (( $6 == "Swap" ) && ( $7 == "device" ) && ( $8 ==
"table:" ))
> {
> swapflg = 1 # Okay, we found the swap entry so start
> processing
> }
> if (( $6 == "entry" ) && ( swapflg == 1 )) # Get entries
> from syslog
> {
> #printf " swapinfo: entry %d %d \n", $7, $20
> total_swap= $20 + total_swap
> swapflg = 1
> }
> if (( $6 == "Dump" ) && ( $7 == "device" ) && ( $8 ==
> "table:" )) {
> exit total_swap
> }
> }
> END{
> printf "%d", total_swap
> exit total_swap
> }
> '
> `
> TOTAL_SWAP=` expr $total_swap \/ 2 `;;
> #####
> SunOS)
> TOTAL_SWAP=`/usr/sbin/swap -l |awk 'BEGIN {
> total_swap = 0
> }
> {
> if ( $1 != "swapfile" )
> {
> total_swap = total_swap + $4
> }
> }
> END {
> printf "%d",total_swap
> }
> ' # End awk
> `;; # End assignment block of TOTAL_SWAP
> #####
> AIX)
> TOTAL_SWAP=` lsps -a |awk 'BEGIN {
> total_swap = 0
> }
> {
> if ( $1 != "Page" )
> {
> total_swap = total_swap + $4
> }
> }
> END {
> printf "%d",total_swap * 1024
> }
> ' # End awk
> `;; # End assignment block of TOTAL_SWAP
> #####
> OSF1)
> TOTAL_SWAP=`/usr/sbin/swapon -s | tail -4 |awk 'BEGIN {
> total_swap = 0
> swapflg = 0
> recnum = 0
> }
> {
> if ( $1 == "Allocated" )
> {
> string_length=length($5)
> nchar = string_length - 2
> uncalculated = substr($5,2,nchar)
> }
> }
> END {
> #######################################
> # Need to put stuff here to figure out#
> # what format the total is in #
> #######################################
> string_legnth = length(uncalculated)
> seek_nchar = string_length - 3
> postfix = substr(uncalculated, seek_nchar, 2)
> if ( postfix == "GB" ) {
> swap_total = uncalculated * 1048576
> }
> else {
> swap_total = uncalculated * 1024
> }
> printf "%d", swap_total
> }
> ' # End awk
> `;; # End assignment block of TOTAL_SWAP
> #####
> Linux)
> TOTAL_SWAP=`/usr/bin/free -k | awk '{
> if ( $1 == "Swap:" ){
> printf "%d",$2
> }
> }
> '
> `;;
> *) # Platform not supported - should not get here
> echo platform $PLATFORM not supported
> TOTAL_SWAP=-1 # Return -1 if the platform is not supported
> esac # end if [ $PLATFORM ]
> } # end GetSwap
> ##################
> GetSwap
> if [ $TOTAL_SWAP -gt -1 ]
> then
> :
> #echo Total swap is $TOTAL_SWAP kbytes
> fi
> ####################################################
> # Is Swap is Adequate depending on Physical memory #
> # Requires PHYSICAL_MEMORY from GetPhsicalMeomry #
> # and TOTAL_SWAP from GetSwap. #
> # Writes to $REPORT if these are adequate amounts #
> # Written By rneville #
> ####################################################
> echo
> echo "Checking Memory & Swap... "
> TWOxMem=`expr $PHYSICAL_MEMORY \* 2`
> PhyMemLower=261120
> PhyMemMid=523264
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory Verification" >> $REPORT
> echo "___________________" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> if [ $PHYSICAL_MEMORY -eq 0 ]
> then
> echo
> echo "Cannot obtain Physical Memory on this machine, setting to 0"
> echo "Setting PHYSICAL MEMORY to 0 during script run"
> echo
> echo "Due to OS permissions, cannot determine Physical Memory size"
> >> $REPORT
> echo "Setting Physical Memory size to 0" >> $REPORT
> echo
> fi
> echo "Physical Memory = $PHYSICAL_MEMORY Kb" >> $REPORT
> echo "Swap space = $TOTAL_SWAP Kb" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> if [ $PHYSICAL_MEMORY -lt $PhyMemLower ]
> then
> echo "You have $PHYSICAL_MEMORY Kb of memory. " >> $REPORT
> echo "This is NOT enough to install Oracle. You must have atleast
> $PhyMemLower Kb" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory Check Failed" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory test Failed"
> echo
> else
> if [ $PHYSICAL_MEMORY > $PhyMemLower -lt $PhyMemMid ]
> then
> if [ $TOTAL_SWAP -lt $TWOxMem ]
> then
> echo "You must increase your swap space to atleast
> $TWOxMem " >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory Check Failed" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory test Failed"
> echo
> else
> echo "You have adequate Swap of $TOTAL_SWAP for your
> Physical Memory of $PHYSICAL_MEMORY " >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory & Swap Check is Successful" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory test passed "
> echo
> fi
> else
> if [ $PHYSICAL_MEMORY -ge $PhyMemMid ]
> then
> then
> echo "You must increase your swap space to atleast
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory Check Failed" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory test Failed"
> echo
> else
> echo "You have adequate Swap of $TOTAL_SWAP for your
> Physical Memory of $PHYSICAL_MEMORY " >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory & Swap Check is Successful" >> $REPORT
> echo "Memory test passed"
> echo
> fi
> else
> echo "script broken, download it again"
> fi
> fi
> fi
> # Report Section from TEMP SPACE
> GetTemp
> if [ $TEMP -gt -1 ]
> then
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "TMP Space Verification" >> $REPORT
> echo "___________________" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> if [ $TEMP -lt 204800 ]
> then
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "You must increase your /tmp space to atleast 20000 Kb" >>
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "/tmp Check Failed" >> $REPORT
> echo "/tmp test Failed "
> echo
> else
> echo "You have adequate space in /tmp of $TEMP Kbytes" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "/tmp test passed "
> echo
> fi
> else
> :
> fi
> ###############################
> # GetClusterInfo Reporting Section
> GetClusterInfo
> if [ $CLUSTER_INFO -gt -1 ]
> then
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Real Application Cluster Option Verification" >> $REPORT
> echo "_______________________________" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> then
> echo "A cluster has been detected" >> $REPORT
> if [ $CLUSTER_READY = Y ]
> then
> echo "Cluster is up and the RAC option will be installed when
> " >> $REPORT
> echo "performing a Typical Install" >> $REPORT
> else
> echo "Cluster is not up. This may cause problems during
> installation" >> $REPORT
> echo "Ensure your cluster is up before installing Oracle or "
> >> $REPORT
> echo "perform a Custom Install vs. a Typical Install of
> Oracle" >> $REPORT
> fi
> else
> echo "A cluster was not detected. RAC option will not be
> installed" >> $REPORT
> echo "Cluster test passed" >> $REPORT
> fi
> then
> echo "A Partial cluster has been detected which could cause the RAC
> option" >>$REPORT
> echo "to be installed by default when performing a Typical
> Install." >>$REPORT
> echo "Recommendation is to use the Custom Install and DESELECT the
> RAC " >> $REPORT
> echo "option to avoid any problems" >> $REPORT
> else
> echo "No cluster warnings detected"
> fi
> fi
> #######################################################################
> # Gets KERNEL PARAMETER on system. All Kernel Parameters that are not #
> # used remain as value NA. All non-NA vaulues are written to $REPORT #
> # If you need to add a kernel parameter, add it to the top first #
> # with the value NA then use it below on the os platform and finally #
> # add the if statement in the bottom so it will be checked. #
> # Written by rneville #
> #######################################################################
> echo "Processing kernel parameters... Please wait"
> GetKernelParam () { # Begin GetKernelParam function
> SHMMIN_Req=1
> SHMMNI_Req=100
> SHMSEG_Req=32
> per_proc_data_size=NA
> max_per_proc_data_size=NA
> max_per_proc_address_space=NA
> per_proc_address_space=NA
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unix Kernel Verification" >> $REPORT
> echo "________________________" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Checking Required Kernel Parameters for minimum values needed" >>
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "The following will indicate if a kernel parameter need to be
> increased" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >>$REPORT
> echo "Note: Changes to the Unix Kernel must be performed by the root
> user." >> $REPORT
> echo "A system reboot is required for the kernel changes to take
> affect." >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> case $PLATFORM in
> HP-UX )
> SHMMAX_Req=`expr 1073741824 / 1014`
> SEMMNI_Req=100
> SEMMNS_Req=1000
> SHMSEG_Req=10
> SHMMNI_Req=100
> if test -r "/stand/system"
> then
> SHMMAX=`/usr/bin/grep -i shmmax /stand/system | awk '{print $2}'`
> SHMMAX=`echo ${SHMMAX} | cut -d X -f 2`
> SHMMAX=`bc << EOF
> ibase=16
> quit
> EOF`
> SHMMAX=`bc << EOF
> $SHMMAX / 1014
> quit
> EOF`
> SHMMNI_ORIG="`/usr/bin/grep -i shmmni /stand/system | awk '{print $2}' |
> sed 2,10d`"
> SHMMNI_TEST="`/usr/bin/grep -i shmmni /stand/system | awk
> '{print $2}' |sed 2,10d | /bin/cut -c 1`"
> if [ \ $KERNEL_TEST = \ $SHMMNI_TEST ]
> then
> echo ""
> echo " Kernel parameter SHMMNI is based on a formula
> echo " This script does not calculate this for you"
> echo " You must calculate manually and ensure it is larger
> than $SHMMNI_Req"
> echo ""
> else
> SHMMNI=`/usr/bin/grep -i shmmni /stand/system | awk '{print
> $NF}'`
> if test -z "$SHMMNI"
> then
> fi
> fi
> SHMSEG_ORIG="`/usr/bin/grep -i shmseg /stand/system | awk '{print $2}' |
> sed 2,10d`"
> SHMSEG_TEST="`/usr/bin/grep -i shmseg /stand/system | awk
> '{print $2}' |sed 2,10d | /bin/cut -c 1`"
> if [ \ $KERNEL_TEST = \ $SHMSEG_TEST ]
> then
> echo ""
> echo " Kernel parameter SHMSEG is based on a formula
> echo " This script does not calculate this for you"
> echo " You must calculate manually and ensure it is larger
> than $SHMSEG_Req"
> echo ""
> else
> SHMSEG=`/usr/bin/grep -i shmseg /stand/system | awk '{print $NF}'`
> if test -z "$SHMSEG"
> then
> fi
> fi
> SEMMNI_ORIG="`/usr/bin/grep -i semmni /stand/system | awk
> '{print $2}' | sed 2,10d`"
> SEMMNI_TEST="`/usr/bin/grep -i semmni /stand/system | awk
> '{print $2}' | sed 2,10d | /bin/cut -c 1`"
> if [ \ $KERNEL_TEST = \ $SEMMNI_TEST ]
> then
> echo ""
> echo " Kernel parameter SEMMNI is based on a formula
> echo " This script does not calculate this for you"
> echo " You must calculate manually and ensure it is larger
> than $SEMMNI_Req"
> echo ""
> else
> SEMMNI=`/usr/bin/grep -i semmni /stand/system | awk '{print
> $NF}'`
> if test -z "$SEMMNI"
> then
> fi
> fi
> SEMMNS_ORIG="`/usr/bin/grep -i semmns /stand/system | awk
> '{print $2}' |sed 2,10d`"
> SEMMNS_TEST="`/usr/bin/grep -i semmns /stand/system | awk
> '{print $2}' |sed 2,10d | /bin/cut -c 1`"
> if [ \ $KERNEL_TEST = \ $SEMMNS_TEST ]
> then
> echo ""
> echo " Kernel parameter SEMMNS is based on a formula
> echo " This script does not calculate this for you"
> echo " You must calculate manually and ensure it is larger
> than $SEMMNS_Req"
> echo ""
> else
> SEMMNS=`/usr/bin/grep -i semmns /stand/system | awk '{print
> $NF}'`
> if test -z "$SEMMNS"
> then
> fi
> fi
> else
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Unable to check kernel parameter settings due to permissions on
> echo "file /etc/stand"
> echo "Either change permissions on /etc/stand/system to allow users
> to read"
> echo "or ensure Kernel parameters are set correctly according to the
> echo "Installation Guide"
> fi
> ;;
> SunOS )
> SHMMAX_Req=4294967295
> SEMMNI_Req=100
> SEMMSL_Req=100
> SEMMNS_Req=1000
> SHMMAX=`/etc/sysdef | grep SHMMAX | awk '{print $1}'`
> SHMMIN=`/etc/sysdef | grep SHMMIN | awk '{print $1}'`
> SHMMNI=`/etc/sysdef | grep SHMMNI | awk '{print $1}'`
> SHMSEG=`/etc/sysdef | grep SHMSEG | awk '{print $1}'`
> SEMMNI=`/etc/sysdef | grep SEMMNI | awk '{print $1}'`
> SEMMSL=`/etc/sysdef | grep SEMMSL | awk '{print $1}'`
> SEMMNS=`/etc/sysdef | grep SEMMNS | awk '{print $1}'`
> ;;
> AIX )
> echo $PLATFORM has no specific kernel parameters to set.
> ;;
> OSF1 )
> MEMBYTE=1073741824
> SHMMAX_Req=2139095040
> SHMMAX=`/sbin/sysconfig -q ipc | grep 'shm[_-]max' | awk '{print
> SHMMIN=`/sbin/sysconfig -q ipc | grep 'shm[_-]min' | awk '{print
> SHMMNI=`/sbin/sysconfig -q ipc | grep 'shm[_-]mni' | awk '{print
> SHMSEG=`/sbin/sysconfig -q ipc | grep 'shm[_-]seg' | awk '{print
> per_proc_data_size=`/sbin/sysconfig -q proc | grep
> '^per[_-]proc[_-]data[_-]size' | awk '{print $NF}'`
> max_per_proc_data_size=`/sbin/sysconfig -q proc | grep
> '^max[_-]per[_-]proc[_-]data[_-]size' | awk '{print $NF}'`
> max_per_proc_address_space=`/sbin/sysconfig -q proc | grep
> '^max[_-]per[_-]proc[_-]address[_-]space' | awk '{print $NF}'`
> per_proc_address_space=`/sbin/sysconfig -q proc | grep
> '^per[_-]proc[_-]address[_-]space' | awk '{print $NF}'`
> per_proc_stack_size=`/sbin/sysconfig -q proc | grep
> '^per[_-]proc[_-]stack[_-]size' | awk '{print $NF}'`
> max_per_proc_stack_size=`/sbin/sysconfig -q proc | grep
> '^max[_-]per[_-]proc[_-]stack[_-]size' | awk '{print $NF}'`
> for perproc in per_proc_data_size max_per_proc_data_size
> max_per_proc_address_space per_proc_address_space
> do
> if [ $perproc -lt $MEMBYTE ]
> then
> echo "Increase the kernel parameter $perproc to atleast
> $MEMBYTE bytes" >> $REPORT
> else
> echo "$perproc is set correctly" >> $REPORT
> fi
> done
> ;; #
> Linux )
> echo $PLATFORM test
> ;;
> *) # Platform not supported - should not get here
> echo platform $PLATFORM not supported
> KERNEL_PARAMETERS=-1 # Return -1 if the platform is not
> supported
> esac
> } # end GetKernelParam
> GetKernelParam
> if [ $KERNEL_PARAMETERS -gt -1 ]
> then
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Running Kernel Parameter Report..."
> # Verify the kernel parameters for all platforms are set correctly for a
> typical installation.
> if [ $SHMMAX = NA ]
> then
> :
> else
> if [ $SHMMAX -lt $SHMMAX_Req ]
> then
> echo "Set the kernel parameter SHMMAX to $SHMMAX_Req" >>
> else
> echo "SHMMAX set correctly" >> $REPORT
> fi
> fi
> if [ $SHMMIN = NA ]
> then
> :
> else
> if [ $SHMMIN -eq $SHMMIN_Req ]
> then
> echo "SHMMIN set correctly" >> $REPORT
> else
> echo "Set the kernel parameter SHMMIN to $SHMMIN_Req" >>
> fi
> fi
> if [ $SHMMNI = NA ]
> then
> :
> else
> if [ $SHMMNI_Req -gt $SHMMNI ]
> then
> echo "Set the kernel parameter SHMMNI to atleast
> else
> echo "SHMMNI set correctly" >> $REPORT
> fi
> fi
> if [ $SHMSEG = NA ]
> then
> :
> else
> if [ $SHMSEG_Req -gt $SHMSEG ]
> then
> echo "Set the kernel parameter SHMSEG to atleast
> else
> echo "SHMSEG set correctly" >> $REPORT
> fi
> fi
> if [ $SEMMNI = NA ]
> then
> :
> else
> if [ $SEMMNI_Req -gt $SEMMNI ]
> then
> echo "Set the kernel parameter SEMMNI to atleast
> else
> echo "SEMMNI set correctly" >> $REPORT
> fi
> fi
> if [ $SEMMSL = NA ]
> then
> :
> else
> if [ $SEMMSL_Req -gt $SEMMSL ]
> then
> echo "Set the kernel parameter SEMMSL to atleast
> $SEMMSL_Req " >> $REPORT
> else
> echo "SEMMSL set correctly" >> $REPORT
> fi
> fi
> if [ $SEMMNS = NA ]
> then
> :
> else
> if [ $SEMMNS_Req -gt $SEMMNS ]
> then
> echo "Set the kernel parameter SEMMNS to atleast
> else
> echo "SEMMNS set correctly" >> $REPORT
> fi
> fi
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Note: Any Kernel Parameter that is set using a formula will
> not be verified" >>$REPORT
> echo "By this script and is set to the value of 0" >>$REPORT
> fi
> echo "Check the report for Kernel parameter verification\n"
> ################################
> # Echo to the report that that since version 815, the install requires a
> GUI env to install
> #
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Note:" >> $REPORT
> echo "-----" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Since Oracle version 8.1.x, an Oracle Install must be executed
> in" >> $REPORT
> echo "an X-window environment. A character based install is not
> possible." >>$REPORT
> echo "Regardless if you are doing a normal install or a Silent
> Install," >>$REPORT
> echo "you must run the commands from a window that is capable of
> starting and " >> $REPORT
> echo "running X- Window Software. If not, when you start runInstaller
> the " >>$REPORT
> echo "window will not display and your installation will not start."
> >> $REPORT
> echo
> echo "As a test, set your DISPLAY env variable to where the install
> will be" >> $REPORT
> echo "ran from i.e." >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "sh or ksh: DISPLAY=YourClientIPaddress:0.0; export DISPLAY " >>
> echo "csh: setenv DISPLAY YourClientIPaddress:0.0" >> $REPORT
> echo "" >> $REPORT
> echo "Then run the xclock utility to see if it successfully places a
> clock" >>$REPORT
> echo "on your window. If this works, then you can start the
> runInstaller " >> $REPORT
> ###############################
> rm -f ./261120
> echo "Completed."
> echo
> echo "$REPORT has been generated"
> echo
> echo "Please review this report and resolve all issues before attempting
> echo "install the Oracle Database Software "
Received on Fri May 24 2002 - 06:29:53 CDT

Original text of this message