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Re: Oracle 9i install on Windows 98

From: Steve <>
Date: 22 May 2002 18:44:52 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Azstrummer) wrote in message news:<>...
> Alright, I'm tired of installing, uninstalling, rebooting. I downloaded Oracle
> 9i Personal Edition from Oracle and am trying to install it on my workplace
> Windows 98 computer. My basic intent here is to use this for learning and
> testing basic database programming techniques in an SQL environment prior to
> our IT people actually installing and administering Oracle on a network server.
> The install seemed to go fine without errors and I had it put in a generic
> local database. I changed the SYS and SYSTEM passwords as I was instructed to
> and it appears that I'm able to start the system properly. My problem lies
> when I go into the Navigator. Can see the local database icon and when I click
> on it to try to start creating and playing with tables, it appears the username
> of P08 will not take any of the passwords I'm aware of. Documentation tells me
> that the initial password for that user name should be PO8 as well.
> Am I expecting too much out of the Navigator? Am I skipping steps somewhere?
> Have to tell you the documentation really sucks here. Is it possible to change
> which user name I go into the local database with? I'm really wasting my time
> and the time of my company here. Were it up to me what database engine I could
> use for development after this experience it certainly wouldn't be Oracle. The
> applications I'm intending to write have no requirements for exotic security
> and so much of Oracle appears to be overkill but unfortunately I have no
> control over this process.
> Help please,
> Art Martin

What is the P08 user? Did you create that? Anyway, most Oracle accounts come locked (except for sys, system etc) and do not have default passwords.

If you want to change the password for the P08 user log on to sqlplus as system and do ALTER USER P08 IDENTIFIED BY <PASSWORD>

STEVE Received on Wed May 22 2002 - 20:44:52 CDT

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