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Re: Newbie's Oracle 9i impression: it sucks

From: SQLJoe <>
Date: 22 May 2002 22:49:36 GMT
Message-ID: <>

>In article <>, you said (and I
>> Nuno, it is funny how you keep replying to these threads when it is
>> "officially" over. And it makes things downright hilarious when I attack
>> Oracle, but you attack ONLY me personally. You seem to take EVERYTHING I
>> personally, but if you think about it, it is an irrational reaction.
>MS-SQLJoe or whatever your name is:
>Can you relate to a simple fact? Here it is: I did not reply to you as
>you claim, in the message above. Proof? Read google.
>Another simple fact: the only one here with the hilarity attack is you.
>Don't see anyone else even remotely joining you. Laugh away, alone. I'm
>sure it is healthy.
>One more small point: you attacked Oracle and its users and anyone who
>supports it. Unprovoked. That is how this whole thing started. You got
>belted on EVERY single "technical" claim you've made and you have NOT
>answered a SINGLE one of the points raised against your theories or
>provided adequate proof of any of them.
>Here is a small reality check I advise you to follow:
>You want to be respected by your peers? Try respecting them first. It's
>not a one-way street, didn't you know?
>> Lastly, you complain that I don't talk enough about technical details when
>> you do is personally attack me. Nice, please keep it up.
>I don't give a rat's ass what you think. Haven't you yet clicked? :-)
>Until you provide sensible argumentation and reply to questions asked of
>you and acknowledge explanations given to you, that's how it's gonna
>Nuno Souto

I don't think your realize how hypocritical you are to 1)complain that we are engaging in personal attacks but 2)ALL you do is to engage in personal attacks. I guess you STILL don't see this? Please keep it up, this is entertaining.

MCDBA, MCSD, MCSE+I Received on Wed May 22 2002 - 17:49:36 CDT

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