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Re: Newbie's Oracle 9i impression: it sucks

From: Niall Litchfield <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 21:40:15 +0100
Message-ID: <3ceab0ad$0$234$>

"SQLJoe" <> wrote in message
> I think you mistakenly believe I am a MS SQL zealot. I am far from it. In
> I will admit to all its flaws and shortcomings. What I am saying is Oracle
> some glaring shortcomings which I find almost shocking. Also, I am
learning DB2
> right now. So I am not stuck nor have affinity toward only one product.

However just to recap the only 'shortcomings' you referred to were

1)Oracle is SLOW on Windows2000, FAR slower than MS SQL 2000


2)Oracle uses Java interface which, although cross platform, is slow and brings
out the DOS prompt (which remind of legacy applications) everytime I try to open up a GUI.


3)Believe ir not, Oracle is unstable and unreliable on Windows2000. I had Oracle GUI crash on me TWICE already.


4)Oracle security is overdone. It has multiple layers of security on the network level to the application level. Initially, I had a hard time enterting
any database, and it took me while to setup the security features.

misconception. its not overdone and you can delegate to the os.

4)Setting up a Oracle Client is a nightmare. I need to setup a listener, port,
and separate account\pw for the client. Too much work.

Untrue. same details are required by mssql.

5)The official Oracle books from the Osbourne press absolutely SUCKS. I have read 3 books on Oracle 9i from the Osbourne press and all of them were next to
useless. Furthermore, there are very few non-Osbourne books on Oracle 9i that I
can currently buy. This is in stark contract to MS SQL 2000 which has PLENTY of
GREAT books and documentation (except the ones from OSBOURNE).

Some merit to this. These are of course 3rd party products and apparently you couldn't be bothered to RTFM.

6)Oracle is too complicated. I am willing to bet most Oracle DBA\Developers never use at least 20% of Oracle's features in their entire career. It seems Oracle has a GUI for every little feature it provides, which makes it seem disorganized and a nightmare to manage. I think it has around 20 GUIs!!!!. For
a database, that is ridiculous.


7)PL/SQL is overrated. So far, I have seen nothing that PL/SQL can do which T-SQL (with temporary tables and cursors) cannot do. Why would anyone want to
learn a SQL language that is, again, needlessly complicated?

Opinion not fact.

So on my reckoning 4 out of your 7 statements were untrue, 2 referred to matters of opinion and one referred to a third party's products. if these are the glaring and shocking shortcomings then I rather suspect the conversation is dead.

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA
Audit Commission UK
Received on Tue May 21 2002 - 15:40:15 CDT

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