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Re: oracle 9i is bullshit

From: David Fitzjarrell <>
Date: 20 May 2002 11:37:45 -0700
Message-ID: <>

<> wrote in message news:<ac109j$j8q$01$>...
> I am a very experienced progress senior principiple master dba .

Just WHAT is a 'principiple master dba'? It sounds like something (or someone) that might be found in some dismal, ancient B-movie...  

> I lernt progress 20 years ago.

'lernt' ... hmmm ... must be related to 'heerded' ...

"I heerded it it, an' I dun lernt it, too"  

> It is very fast because i dump my data to flat files and use grep
> to search it.

Progress is fast because you dump your data to flat files and 'grep' them? It would be much faster if you actually USED the Progress engine instead ...

> where is the dump command in oracle 9i ???

It's called exp, and it does an excellent job.  

> also doesnt it provide an enhaced grep command for me `???

Yes, it does ... 'Select ... from ... where ...'  

> now i am writing a programm in Visual basic which joins the
> data in my flatfiles.

I see. So you use VB to extract data from flat files generated by a dump utility in Progress. Just HOW do you get the data INTO the Progress database? Use a funnel?  

> This is very good and fast . Perhaps i will sell it later .

Oh, be my guest. I'm certain people will beat down your door to get it.

> I can join my flatfiles on every pair of columns I like .

You can with SQL, too, and get the same marvelous results when non-matching columns are compared.  

> Much more better and flexible as sql

Where do you get YOUR pharmaceuticals?  

> Also i like to backup my data in flat files.

Again, exp is the utility for that. And they're not REALLY flat files, they're better.  

> I can zip all my data and put it on a 360kb disc . Very nice !!!

Wow, this MUST be a data warehouse. Or a phone list.

> perhabs I sell this solution.

Again, I'm CERTAIN people will stampede to their nearest outlet for this wonderful foray into database circumvention.

> But where is the dump command for dumping the data and printing it !!

Again, you must not be able to read (you obviously can't write, either) as I've said it TWICE already and this makes the THIRD time: exp. Oh, I'm sorry, exp starts with 'e' and you apparently have only made it to 'd' in the alphabet ... after you've progressed through the alphabet come back and read this again. Received on Mon May 20 2002 - 13:37:45 CDT

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