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Re: HELP ME!!!! PLEASE!!! before i leap off a bridge. Im waiting days for info...

From: Krzysztof Kryczka <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 21:12:37 +0200
Message-ID: <ac0v75$h7c$>

  1. Do a single select: select * from v$filestats and look at results - especialy maxtimes of read and write time talk about it with your DBA
  2. consider changing SORT_AREA_SIZE in session parameters to bigger one also consult it with DBA


Uzytkownik "Daniel Morgan" <> napisal w wiadomosci
> mike wrote:
> > okay ill explain the problem: Its taking years to get reports back
> > using a report writer. First let me explain the situation. Im new at
> > this place.
> > I have no control over the DB. No db admin, no Bstat, no nothing, just
> > looking.
> >
> > A. Here is what im hoping someone can tell me:(OH THAT LOOKS TOTALLY
> >
> > 1. I write reports, I have no control over Oracle. I dont have sysadm
> > to it.
> > 2. I can't adjust my SQL statements besides running stored procs.
> > 3. Reports are taking days to get back, yeah I said DAYS, small ones
> > hours.
> > 4. The server is a Xeon dual 500, 1 gig of ram, multiple drives in
> > raid.
> > 5. NT 4.0 latest patches, running Oracle and a imaging system.
> > 6. Memory is sometimes maxing out, while cpu utilization is running
> > around 40%
> > 7. Database is very simple some 5 tables. with the main running 13
> > million rows
> > with about 500 char size, others are fairly small
> > ranging(1000-400,000) rows.
> > Indexes are all on single colums. A ton of those.
> > 8. I cant do a bstat or statspack or tell you buffer hit rates... etc.
> > 9. I can get into DBA studio
> > Here is what DBA tells me: (version
> > 1. Shared Pool : 43 Meg
> > 2. Buffer Cache: 39 Meg
> > 3. Large Pool : 0
> > 4. Java Pool : 19 Meg
> > 5. Number of Concurrent Users : 49
> > 6. Sort Area Size : 128 K
> > 10. I know im doing large sorts/groupings.
> > 11. Some reports are doing full table scans, some not, even the nots
> > are taking
> > hours. The fulls are days.
> > 12. Can i do a bstat without admin or higher security?
> >
> > Of course im not a Oracle officianado.
> >
> > here is the Oracle server init props:
> >
> > background_dump_dest = %RDBMS80%\trace
> > compatible = 8.1.7
> > control_files = "F:\DB\DATABASE\ctl1db.ora"
> > control_files = "H:\DB\DATABASE\ctl3db.ora"
> > control_files = "G:\DB\DATABASE\ctl2db.ora"
> > db_block_buffers = 10000
> > db_block_size = 4096
> > db_domain = WORLD
> > db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16
> > db_files = 1024
> > db_name = DB
> > distributed_transactions = 5
> > global_names = TRUE
> > instance_name = db
> > job_queue_interval = 10
> > job_queue_processes = 0
> > log_archive_dest_1 = "LOCATION=d:\oracle\ora81\RDBMS"
> > log_buffer = 8192
> > log_checkpoint_interval = 10000
> > max_dump_file_size = 10240
> > open_links = 4
> > optimizer_mode = CHOOSE
> > parallel_max_servers = 5
> > processes = 59
> > remote_login_passwordfile = BLAHBLAH
> > service_names =
> > shared_pool_size = 45534336
> > sort_area_size = 131072
> > timed_statistics = TRUE
> > user_dump_dest = %RDBMS80%\trace
> >
> > Does anything stick out like a sore thumb as totally blatantly
> > wrong?????????????????????????????
> >
> > help me please... :)
> What sticks out as a sore thumb to me is that a report writer is posting
> this and not the DBA.
> There are a thousand things that could be wrong. Others undoubtedly will
> comment on them. But I suspect the problem is that the DBA isn't the one
> who took the initiative to solve the problem before it got to this point.
> Daniel Morgan
Received on Thu May 16 2002 - 14:12:37 CDT

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