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Re: Two Oracle owners on one box .....

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 18:09:38 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Patrick wrote:

> I am doing the installations. What I have no control over is the fact
> that they bought a massive IBM server and told us to move as many
> databases as possible to this server. I fought this rather heavily,
> but I ended up battered and bruised and still having to go through
> with this. In addition to moving multiple databases to the new
> server, they introduced a new mission critical application.
> We decided to implement HACMP as a high availability solution. A
> send, much smaller, server was purchased for the HACMP fail-over.
> Only the mission critical database will fail-over to the second
> server. Now, to prevent any miscues with patch-installation, we
> installed the Oracle binaries for the mission critical database on
> shared disk. This disk will fail-over with the HAMP services. So, if
> a failure happens, this disk will be unavailable on the primary
> server.
> If the failure is fixed and the primary server is brought back up, we
> don't want to have to failback the mission critical database during
> production hours, but we also want to be able to re-start the other
> databases on the primary server that aren't part of the HACMP
> configuration.
> In any case, to make all of our monitoring scripts run correctly, we
> decided to have two Oracle owners on the primary server. The
> processes for one owner fail-over with the HACMP services, and the
> processes for the the second owner always stay on the primary server.
> I just wanted to be sure that editing the /etc/oraInst.loc file was a
> good idea.
> I want to keep the installations totally seperate and to insure that
> the two owners can never stomp on the others owners stuff. It osunds
> like tjhis will work.
> Thanks for the input everyone.
> later ....
> Patrick
> (NorwoodThree) wrote in message news:<>...
> > BTW: Why are the users doing the installs? You are the DBA correct?
> > YOU, as the DBA, should be doing the installs, the setup, and the
> > maintenance. Why would you want to even maintain something you have
> > not control over.

What does moving multiple databases to a server have to do with multiple installations of the Oracle software?

Daniel Morgan Received on Thu May 16 2002 - 13:09:38 CDT

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