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Re: Newbie's Oracle 9i impression: it sucks

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 17:53:23 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Niall Litchfield wrote:

> "SQLJoe" <> wrote in message
> > I am a MS SQL DBA of five years. Recently, I have been trying to learn
> Oracle
> > 9i on Windows2000. Here is my impression.
> >
> > 1)Oracle is SLOW on Windows2000, FAR slower than MS SQL 2000
> Then it isn't configured properly. The two databases should perform at
> approximately the same level on the same platform. In particular the
> defaults for the demo database tend to be a bit daft.
> >
> > 2)Oracle uses Java interface which, although cross platform, is slow and
> brings
> > out the DOS prompt (which remind of legacy applications) everytime I try
> to
> > open up a GUI.
> I haven't noticed it bringing up a dos prompt.
> >
> > 3)Believe ir not, Oracle is unstable and unreliable on Windows2000. I had
> > Oracle GUI crash on me TWICE already.
> Never had it crash on me. could it be a windows driver issue.
> >
> > 4)Oracle security is overdone. It has multiple layers of security on the
> > network level to the application level. Initially, I had a hard time
> enterting
> > any database, and it took me while to setup the security features.
> Matter of taste. Personally I think that multiple layers of security are a
> Good Thing TM. However it is perfectly possible to use windows
> authentication for you systems so the user doesn't need to (knowingly) pass
> any credentials to the server. just like MSSQL. Of course the fact that 8i
> has 14 security certificates in comparison to microsofts 1 might also be
> relevant to this discussion.
> >
> > 4)Setting up a Oracle Client is a nightmare. I need to setup a listener,
> port,
> > and separate account\pw for the client. Too much work.
> You setup the listener on the server. For the client you just need to
> provide port and the identification of the server in an alias configuration
> file. if you fire up query analyser you'll note that you provide the same
> info for mssql.
> >
> > 5)The official Oracle books from the Osbourne press absolutely SUCKS. I
> have
> > read 3 books on Oracle 9i from the Osbourne press and all of them were
> next to
> > useless. Furthermore, there are very few non-Osbourne books on Oracle 9i
> that I
> > can currently buy. This is in stark contract to MS SQL 2000 which has
> > GREAT books and documentation (except the ones from OSBOURNE).
> Can't comment on the oracle press books since I don't have many (apart from
> 2 versions of the dba handbook) . If you are a developer I heartily
> recommend Tom Kyte's Expert One on One Oracle. I also recommend the Oracle
> concepts manual and the relevant guides app devs or dba depending.
> >
> > 6)Oracle is too complicated. I am willing to bet most Oracle
> DBA\Developers
> > never use at least 20% of Oracle's features in their entire career. It
> seems
> > Oracle has a GUI for every little feature it provides, which makes it seem
> > disorganized and a nightmare to manage. I think it has around 20 GUIs!!!!.
> For
> > a database, that is ridiculous.
> I thought that all the Oracle GUI's were now located in Enterprise Manager.
> somewhat similar to MSSQL no. I do agree that in general MS design a better
> GUI (even if it does need to refresh properly). I don't agree that there are
> 20 separate GUI products.
> >
> > 7)PL/SQL is overrated. So far, I have seen nothing that PL/SQL can do
> which
> > T-SQL (with temporary tables and cursors) cannot do. Why would anyone want
> to
> > learn a SQL language that is, again, needlessly complicated?
> Its as complicated as it needs to be. Prtobably what you mean is that the
> syntax is different and the approach is different.
> >
> > I am seriously considering dumping Oracle and learning DB2 instead. What
> do you
> > think?
> I think you'd face the same 'shortcomings'.
> >
> > Jinsoo
> >
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
> Audit Commission UK
> *****************************************
> Please include version and platform
> and SQL where applicable
> It makes life easier and increases the
> likelihood of a good answer
> ******************************************

This person isn't serious. It is just another posting from the same source at And since when does Oracle Client have a listener?

Daniel Morgan Received on Thu May 16 2002 - 12:53:23 CDT

Original text of this message