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Re: Oracle Windows service does not start DB

From: Stjepan Brbot <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 09:49:55 +0200
Message-ID: <abqcsn$68mr$>

"Sybrand Bakker" <> wrote in message
> Please try to be *exact* instead of *vague*
> 'Windows found *some* disk problems'
> Where? It might have corrupted Oracle binaries!
> Did you check the alert<sid>.log? Probably not.
> Please check the alert before posting, your post doesn't contain any
> sensible clues. The error points to the fact Oracle can't create the
> you might have changed the init.ora parameters in the meantime.
> Also: you are one of the regulars here who consistently crosspost.
> stop doing so.

Dear Sybrand,

I want to be exact but it's realy difficult to say were Windows had found disk problem. The whole partiotion where Windows found problems is mostly dedicated for my Oracle database instance, so it is very probably that something was wrong with Oracle binaries. Maybe computer was shut off without regular Oracle shutdown procedure. Here is alert log file you
did mention in your post:

Dump file E:\oracle\admin\PBASE\bdump\PBASEALRT.LOG Mon May 13 08:41:35 2002
ORACLE V8. - Production vsnsta=0
vsnsql=e vsnxtr=3
Windows 2000 Version 5.0 Service Pack 2, CPU type 586 Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version: System parameters with non-default values:

  processes                = 100
  shared_pool_size         = 31457280
  large_pool_size          = 614400
  java_pool_size           = 20971520
  control_files            = E:\oracle\oradata\PBASE\control01.ctl,
  db_block_buffers         = 2048
  db_block_size            = 8192
  compatible               = 8.1.0
  log_buffer               = 32768
  log_checkpoint_interval  = 10000
  log_checkpoint_timeout   = 1800
  db_files                 = 1024
  db_file_multiblock_read_count= 8
  max_enabled_roles        = 100
  remote_login_passwordfile= EXCLUSIVE
  global_names             = TRUE
  distributed_transactions = 500
  instance_name            = PBASE
  service_names            = PBASE
  mts_dispatchers          =
  open_links               = 4
  sort_area_size           = 65536
  sort_area_retained_size  = 65536
  db_name                  = PBASE
  open_cursors             = 300
  ifile                    = E:\oracle\admin\PBASE\pfile\init.ora
  os_authent_prefix        =
  job_queue_processes      = 4
  job_queue_interval       = 10
  parallel_max_servers     = 5
  background_dump_dest     = E:\oracle\admin\PBASE\bdump
  user_dump_dest           = E:\oracle\admin\PBASE\udump
  max_dump_file_size       = 10240

PMON started with pid=2
DBW0 started with pid=3
LGWR started with pid=4
CKPT started with pid=5
SMON started with pid=6
RECO started with pid=7
SNP0 started with pid=8
SNP1 started with pid=9
SNP2 started with pid=10
SNP3 started with pid=11

Mon May 13 08:41:40 2002
starting up 1 shared server(s) ...
starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))'... Mon May 13 08:41:45 2002
alter database mount
Mon May 13 08:41:51 2002
Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 412076431. Mon May 13 08:41:51 2002
Database mounted in Exclusive Mode.
Completed: alter database mount
Mon May 13 08:41:51 2002
alter database open
Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads
Mon May 13 08:41:53 2002
Thread recovery: start rolling forward thread 1 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 1 Seq 1435 Reading mem 0   Mem# 0 errs 0: E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\PBASE\REDO03.LOG Mon May 13 08:41:54 2002
Thread recovery: finish rolling forward thread 1 Thread recovery: 0 data blocks read, 0 data blocks written, 0 redo blocks read
Crash recovery completed successfully
Mon May 13 08:41:55 2002
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1436
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1436
  Current log# 2 seq# 1436 mem# 0: E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\PBASE\REDO02.LOG Successful open of redo thread 1.
Mon May 13 08:41:56 2002
SMON: enabling cache recovery
SMON: enabling tx recovery
Mon May 13 08:43:21 2002
Completed: alter database open

Thank you Sybrand and best regards


Stjepan Brbot
Received on Mon May 13 2002 - 02:49:55 CDT

Original text of this message