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Re: Seeking Advice: MS SQL DBA learning Oracle?

From: Keld Nielsen <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 21:51:35 +0200
Message-ID: <ORUD8.2311$>

Well, well, I have a DBA running around saying '*don't use* nvl and decode.

Can you imagine why ? (comment was: don't use them in a where clause and by the way what's a function (further on - what's the difference between a function
and a procedure - no, I'm not joking !))

I do somewhat agree with your comments below Jim, but I disagree that they only
apply to developers.

When has it ever been possible to include sufficient time to 'put performance in from the start' ? (the answer I always get is 'cut your estimate by x%')


"Jim Kennedy" <> wrote in message news:38QD8.41666$WR1.39058_at_sccrnsc01...
> Dusan,
> Right on. Yes, the developer should have at least a basic understanding
> how the backend works. Just the other day I had a developer want to
> temp tables because that's what you do in Sybase. I spent some time
> explaining Oracle to them and they were pleased as punch that they didn't
> have to deal with that mess anymore. What also surprises me is those
> developers that don't read the APPLICATION developers guide. So they don't
> put performance in from the start - "we will tune later." Performance is
> part of the daily job not something you bolt on later. Okay, I
> use the _run_faster=true parameter, but usually I make the developers fix
> it. :-)
> Jim
> "Dusan Bolek" <> wrote in message
> > (Ryan Gaffuri) wrote in message
> news:<>...
> > > You have IT experience which is VERY good. However, you must start as
> > > a developer and NOT as a DBA. There are no entry level DBA jobs. You
> > > have to be more of a programmer first for 2-3 years then you may be
> > > able to move over. Anyone who says you can start as a DBA is either
> > > lying or an idiot.
> >
> <snip for size>
> > Yes, I'm going to flame you right now !!! ;-)
> > For all developers: Please read Oracle Concepts. You should know
> > something about architecture of database you're writing for. I'm tired
> > about all that worthless talks about purpose of schemas, why database
> > != schema, why more than one schemas can be in one tablespace, why is
> > not a good idea to put two 30gig database in one instance even if
> > they're on the same DB server etc ...
> > And performance tuning is indeed the must for any Oracle developer.
> > New developer should start with learning about performance impacts of
> > various SQLs as soon as wrote the first lines of code. Oracle
> > developer without tuning skills is worthless and even dangerous.
> >
> > --
> > _________________________________________
> >
> > Dusan Bolek, Ing.
> > Oracle team leader
> >
> > Note: has been cancelled due to changes (maybe we
> > can call it an overture to bankruptcy) on that server. I'm still using
> > this email to prevent SPAM. Maybe one day I will change it and have a
> > proper mail even for news, but right now I can be reached by this
> > email.
Received on Mon May 13 2002 - 14:51:35 CDT

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