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Re: Learn Oracle in three days?

From: Daniel A. Morgan <>
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 18:25:41 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Michael Wilkinson wrote:

> Greetings - masters of table extents, and other things arcane. This
> neophyte has a ludicrous question for you: Is it possible for me to
> learn oracle in three days or less? I've worked with other RDBMS in
> the past, and know the difference between a fragment and a chunk, but
> my first pass through the oracle documentation had convinced me that I
> might have just entered into seventh circle of hell.
> Why three days you ask? Well, I've just found out that's how long I
> have before I have to take delivery of a product from an outsourcer
> that uses oracle as a backend. I'm not a DBA myself, but our in-house
> DBAs only know Informix and some MSSQL and are already running for
> cover, leaving the young and foolish (that's me) holding the bullseye.
> Since I figure the thing will chug along on own for a few days (it's
> got to at least work for a few hours for the outsource company to
> prove that it works) my first concern is obviously logical logging and
> backups.
> If you were in my shoes, what books and tools would you recommend I
> have to survive this suicidal oracle piano drop?
> Thanks in advance,
> - MW

There are not enough hallucinogenic drugs on the planet for anyone to convince themselves that they have learned Oracle in 3 days.

I teach Oracle at a major university, as well as consult, and have been in the industry for more than 30 years. Each and every day I find the ability to expand my knowledge and learn more about just how much I don't know. It is a humbling experience.

I would bet that in three days you could not even learn all of the options for building tables, constraints, and indexes in Oracle.

Perhaps you should try something more achievable in a three day period. I would suggest lawyer or neurosurgeon.

Daniel Morgan Received on Sun May 12 2002 - 12:25:41 CDT

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