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Re: Oracle Windows service does not start DB

From: George Haddad <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 12:25:40 GMT
Message-ID: <8%OC8.10325$>

Check the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software-> Oracle For ORA_ORCL_AUTOSTART, maybe it is set to False. Kindly note that ORCL is your SID. "Stjepan Brbot" <> wrote in message news:abfo5p$7ian$
> On my computer (Windows 2000 Pro) I have installed Oracle 8.1.7 EE. and
> only one DB instance. Also, Oracle service on Windows is set to be
> started manually and instance to be started automatically upon starting
> the service.
> Firstly everithing was working fine but few weeks ago (after Windows
> found some disk problems and successfully solved them) something strange
> is happening.
> When I start service manually in command prompt:
> D:\>net start OracleServiceXYZ
> I got the following:
> D:\>net start OracleServiceXYZ
> The OracleServiceXYZ service is starting.....
> The OracleServiceXYZ service was started successfully.
> Even it seems that everything is OK, it's not. I cannot connect on this
> DB. When I try connection on DB I got this message:
> "ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist"
> Then I have to start SVRMGRL, connect as INTERNAL and STARTUP database
> manually "once again", after that DB is started and works.
> --
> D:\>svrmgrl
> Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
> Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
> Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
> With the Partitioning option
> JServer Release - Production
> SVRMGR> connect internal
> Connected.
> SVRMGR> startup
> ORACLE instance started.
> Total System Global Area 73127964 bytes
> Fixed Size 75804 bytes
> Variable Size 56197120 bytes
> Database Buffers 16777216 bytes
> Redo Buffers 77824 bytes
> Database mounted.
> Database opened.
> SVRMGR> exit
> Server Manager complete.
> D:\>
> --
> Before problems with disk when I started service (and DB) manually I was
> getting:
> D:\>net start OracleServiceXYZ
> The OracleServiceXYZ service is
> starting................................................................
> ..........................
> The OracleServiceXYZ service was started successfully.
> Notice much more dots (and time of course) after "The OracleServiceXYZ
> service is starting". Before I had two instances, firstly they both
> worked fine but after this disk problem the same situation occured with
> service for second instance. I had to start it using SVRMGRL.
> --
> So question is how to solve problem with service to automatically and
> correctly start database instance?
> --
> Stjepan Brbot
Received on Fri May 10 2002 - 07:25:40 CDT

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