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Re: Urgent:Cannot increase maxusers value on HP-UX

From: Michael Vilain <>
Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 09:33:12 -0700
Message-ID: <>

In article <>, (Violin) wrote:

> Hello ,
> We're running Oracle 8.1.7 on HP-UX 11.0.
> Today there are too many connections,so the database instance crushed.
> After checked database alert file, the related error messages are:
> Mon May 6 14:53:21 2002
> Errors in file /u04/prodora/8.1.7/admin/bdump/ckpt_10328_prod.trc:
> ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kfhahws_01], [166], [],
> [], [], [], [], []
> ORA-01110: data file 166: '/u03/proddata/igcd01.dbf'
> ORA-27041: unable to open file
> HP-UX Error: 23: File table overflow
> We got HP-UX Error:23:File table overflow before,and tried to resolve
> this by increase maxusers value.
> The value of maxusers now is 250, but today when I increase the value
> over than
> 251 , I got the error message in sam monitor:
> The parameter modification(s) you have made have resulted in at
> least one parameter evaluating to a value which is greater
> than its maximum allowable value. Parameter "msgseg", currently
> set to "(MSGTQL*4)", has evaluated to "32800",which is greater
> than its maximum allowable value of "32767".
> I cannot set the value more than 252,
> and I don't know how to solve it.
> But I'm afraid the instance will crush again and never startup.
> Please help me,the following is the setup value of kernel now.
> Parameter Name Formula/Value Calculated Value
> NSTRPUSH 16 16
> STRCTLSZ 1024 1024
> STRMSGSZ 65535 65535
> acctresume 4 4
> acctsuspend 2 2
> aio_listio_max 256 256
> aio_max_ops 2048 2048
> aio_physmem_pct 10 10
> aio_prio_delta_max 20 20
> allocate_fs_swapmap 0 0
> alwaysdump 0 0
> bufcache_hash_locks 128 128
> bufpages (NPROC*3) 2442
> chanq_hash_locks 256 256
> create_fastlinks 0 0
> dbc_max_pct 5 5
> dbc_min_pct 2 2
> default_disk_ir 0 0
> dnlc_hash_locks 64 64
> dontdump 0 0
> dskless_node 0 0
> dst 1 1
> eqmemsize 15 15
> fcp_large_config 0 0
> fs_async 0 0
> ftable_hash_locks 64 64
> hdlpreg_hash_locks 128 128
> hfs_max_ra_blocks 8 8
> hfs_ra_per_disk 64 64
> initmodmax 50 50
> io_ports_hash_locks 64 64
> ksi_alloc_max (NPROC*8) 6512
> ksi_send_max 32 32
> max_async_ports 50 50
> max_fcp_reqs 512 512
> max_mem_window 0 0
> max_thread_proc 256 256
> maxdsiz 268435456 268435456
> maxdsiz_64bit 0x0000000040000000 1073741824
> maxfiles 2048 2048
> maxfiles_lim 2048 2048
> maxssiz 0X04000000 67108864
> maxssiz_64bit 0X08000000 134217728
> maxswapchunks 9182 9182
> maxtsiz 0x04000000 67108864
> maxtsiz_64bit 0x0000000040000000 1073741824
> maxuprc 640 640
> maxusers 250 250
> maxvgs 80 80
> mesg 1 1
> modstrmax 500 500
> msgmap (MSGTQL+2) 8142
> msgmax 32768 32768
> msgmnb 65535 65535
> msgmni (NPROC) 814
> msgseg (MSGTQL*4) 32560
> msgssz 128 128
> msgtql (NPROC*10) 8140
> nbuf 0 0
> ncallout 2064 2064
> ncdnode 150 150
> nclist (100+16*MAXUSERS) 4100
> ncsize (NINODE+VX_NCSIZE) 9584
> ndilbuffers 30 30
> nfile (15*NPROC+2048) 14258
> nflocks (NPROC) 814
> ninode (8*NPROC+2048) 8560
> nkthread 2048 2048
> no_lvm_disks 0 0
> nproc ((MAXUSERS*3)+64) 814
> npty 60 60
> nstrpty 60 60
> nstrtel (MAXUSERS) 250
> nswapdev 25 25
> nswapfs 10 10
> num_tachyon_adapters 0 0
> o_sync_is_o_dsync 0 0
> page_text_to_local 0 0
> pfdat_hash_locks 128 128
> public_shlibs 1 1
> region_hash_locks 128 128
> remote_nfs_swap 0 0
> rtsched_numpri 32 32
> scroll_lines 100 100
> scsi_maxphys 1048576 1048576
> sema 1 1
> semaem 16384 16384
> semmap (SEMMNI+2) 4072
> semmni (NPROC*5) 4070
> semmns (SEMMNI*2) 8140
> semmnu (NPROC-4) 810
> semume 64 64
> semvmx 32768 32768
> sendfile_max 0 0
> shmem 1 1
> shmmax 0X80000000 2147483648
> shmmni 512 512
> shmseg 32 32
> st_ats_enabled 1 1
> st_fail_overruns 0 0
> st_large_recs 0 0
> streampipes 0 0
> swapmen_on 0 0
> swchunk 2048 2048
> sysv_hash_locks 128 128
> tcphashsz 0 0
> timeslice 1 1
> timezone 420 420
> unlockable_men (MAXUSERS*10) 2500
> vnode_cd_hash_locks 128 128
> vnode_hash_locks 128 128
> vps_ceiling 16 16
> vps_chatr_ceiling 65536 65536
> vps_pagesize 4 4
> vx_maxlink 32767 32767
> vx_ncsize 1024 1024
> vx_ninode 0 0
> vx_noifree 0 0
> vxfs_max_ra_kbytes 1024 1024
> vxfs_ra_per_disk 1024 1024

Contact Oracle and open a TAR to have them analyize and fix the problem.

Michael Vilain Certified Advanced Rolfer

Envision a just and peaceful world, in which all people achieve their full potential and live with love, respect, and compassion.
Received on Mon May 06 2002 - 11:33:12 CDT

Original text of this message