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Re: Security issue with Oracle 8i

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 16:47:34 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Philip Chee wrote:

> In article <> writes:
> >On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 15:50:31 GMT in <>,
> > said something similar to:
> >: Philip Chee wrote:
> >: > Um, I'm a unix sysadmin and this wouldn't be enough to stop me.
> >: > Assuming I have the time and energy - I do wish someone would invent
> >: > the 28 hour day especially when deadlines loom.
> >: I would really appreciate knowing how you would approach this (in
> >: general).
> I'm persistent. I read the docs, I read the READMEs, I have been
> known to run strings (unix utility) on Oracle (Financial) binaries
> to see what actual SQL they are actually running [1]. And these
> days there's the Great Ghod Ghoogle to invoke.
> [1] Our old Oracle Financials box was decommissioned for Y2K
> reasons but recently someone wanted to run an old report on the old
> system to get some historical data. It didn't return any data
> naturally since the report was trying to find data for 2095 AD. Ran
> strings on the binary. Used a hex editor to change "YY" to "RR".
> By Gosh it worked. Note: I wouldn't recommend this procedure on a
> production system!
> >: And why, having been confronted with a request for a password, you
> >: would have any reason to believe a workaround was possible.
> Because I'm also an Oracle person? and I read this newsgroup?
> >One that immediately comes to mind:
> >Wait for someone who knows the password to connect, and attach a
> >debugging tool like truss to their SQL*Plus process before they
> >finish typing the password.
> That's hard work. I prefer social engineering.
> "Hi I'm the VP (IS). I need all your Oracle passords to carry out
> this security audit I'm doing on your department"
> Philip
> ---=====================================================================---
> Philip Chee: Tasek Corporation Berhad, P.O.Box 254, 30908 Ipoh, MALAYSIA
> e-mail: Voice:+ Fax:+
> Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
> oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
> --
> þ 20516.39 þ File Not Found. Loading something that looks similar.


Daniel Morgan Received on Wed May 01 2002 - 11:47:34 CDT

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