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Re: Listener Question

From: stinky <>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 05:43:20 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Howard J. Rogers wrote:

>"stinky" <> wrote in message
>>Here's my LISTENER.ORA:
>> (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = my.ip.add.ress)(PORT = 1521))
>> )
>> )
>> )
>> )
>> (SID_LIST =
>> (SID_DESC =
>> (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
>> (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7)
>> (PROGRAM = extproc)
>> )
>> (SID_DESC =
>> (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7)
>> (SID_NAME = stinky817)
>> )
>> )
>First, there's absolutely no reason to have a SID_LIST in any 8.1
>listener.ora file. 8i instances register themselves with the Listener. All
>that's needed is the 'ADDRESS' bit. This seems to be a message which is
>taking a very long time to filter through the general Oracle community.

Hmmm. That was generated automatically by the Oracle Installer processor. I'll try to remove it and see what happens.

>>TNSNAMES.ORA (same in both cases....extraneous stuff excised)
>I wish you hadn't excised anything. It's impossible to diagnose anything if
>you strip out bits you *think* are extraneous, when in fact they might not
>be. I also wish you'd posted both tnsnames.oras and let us work out for
>ourselves whether they are the same in both cases.

I just deleted other entries for instances of databases that exist at work. They're not pertinent for this post and I'm rather not post anything relating to work.

>>STINKY817 =
>> (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = my.ip.add.ress)(PORT = 1521))
>> )
>> )
>> )
>So is the name of the database running on a Windows 2000 box
>at home. And you can connect to it fine using a Unix session from work, but
>you cannot connect locally at home when using a session on the same Windows
>2000 box that the server is running on? Is that correct?

No. I'm unable to connect from work from a Windows 2000 session at work. That's what's so weird. It works from a Unix environment but not a Windows environment.

Oracle is installed at home on a Linux environment, by the way.

>Please re-post both tnsnames.oras without editing anything.
>>P.S. I noticed in my $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory the following
>>There are several others. Are these files written there because I
>>connected to the database remotely from work? If so, is there anyway
>>I can route these to a different directory?
>>Howard J. Rogers wrote:
>>>You'll need to post a copy of your listener.ora, your tnsnames.ora (both
>>>one you say works and the one you say doesn't) and a copy of your
>>>before any meaningful reply can be given. The IP address is irrelevant,
>>>because the issue is not one of connectivity to the Listener, but of what
>>>the Listener is listening out for, compared with what you are requesting
>>>connect to.
>>>"stinky" <> wrote in message
>>>>I have Oracle Enterprise Edition installed on a PC at home. I run the
>>>>listener and am able to connect from work. Well, that is....I can
>>>>connect from work when I'm on a unix box. When I try to connect from
>>>>the Windows environment (2000), it doesn't work....even though the
>>>>TNSNAMES.ORA file is the same in both cases.
>>>>I'm getting a ORA-12514 (Listener could not resolve SERVICE_NAME), which
>>>>I know can't be right since I'm able to connect from the unix box.
>>>>Obviously, my LISTENER.ORA file is set up correctly at home. I
>>>>Why do you think I'm unable to connect from the Windows environment? Do
>>>>you think it's a difference between the IP stacks?
>>>>By the way, my company has both my Windows PC and Unix box under
>>>>172.16.x.x addresses.
Received on Wed May 01 2002 - 04:43:20 CDT

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