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Re: Is this a record !

From: George Barbour <>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 10:36:34 +0100
Message-ID: <3b876f2e$>

Talking about O9.0.1 did you notice the little sting in the tail in the SQL*Plus doc file?
I quote :-
 "The SQL*Plus for Windows graphical user interface (GUI) will be desupported in future releases of SQL*Plus. "

Interesting eh!
Almost seems to have been put there as an afterthought. The quote follows on with :-

"The browser-based iSQL*Plus interface will replace the SQL*Plus for Windows GUI.
The SQL*Plus for Windows command line (DOS) interface will continue to be supported."

Go for it DOS!
Pays to read the small print.

George Barbour.

"Jonathan Lewis" <> wrote in message
> I've finally installed 9.0.1 on my HP-9000 -
> and it only took 4 days ! Is this a record.
> Day 1
> Upgrade hardware
> Clone critical disk
> Get Clone working
> Day 2
> Replace operating system with 64-bit O/S
> Discover that firmware needs upgrading for 64-bit
> Spend day finding firmware patch
> Upgrade firmware
> Install 64-bit O/S
> Day 3
> Rebuild logical volumes to allow for 6GB of disk
> space apparently required by Oracle 9.0.1 install.
> Install Oracle 9.0.1 - first attempt 85% successful
> (but someone switched on the toasted sandwich
> maker - which tripped the house electric supply.
> The server was on a UPS of course, but the
> X-station that you need to run the install wasn't)
> Install Oracle 9.0.1 - second attempt 90% successful.
> (I hadn't installed the 64-bit O/S, but Oracle didn't
> discover this until it tried to relink something)
> Install HP-UX 64-bit properly.
> Day 4
> Install Oracle 9.0.1 - 95% successful
> Find that the HP UX patch listed by Oracle in May 2001
> was not actually present in the HP-UX O/S June distribution
> (it will be in the Sept distribution, but in fact has already been
> superseded by a different patch).
> Locate the new patch that superseded the patch, download
> the 17MB from the Internet and install - luckily didn't need
> to reboot the box and restart the Oracle install from scratch.
> Check the other patches Oracle requires - they are all pre-installed
> except for one - search HP for the one patch - it doesn't exist.
> TAR to Oracle about requirement of non-existent patch. Rapid
> response - see August release note: patch has silently disappeared.
> Continue install - fails to locate libXm libraries - quick check on
> Metalink shows SRN listing this as a known bug in HP install.
> with resolution. Continue install
> It's IN !!!
> Now to let DBCA build the database -
> It fails - it doesn't like my choice of national character set.
> Solution - the installation document has advised me
> to set
> that should be been
> One underscore = 2 hours of angst. (actually there
> were half a dozen errors in the HP setup notes
> supplied as the 'quick installation' note - like the
> one which said set various tunable parameters to
> values which the HP rejected as illegal !!
> DBCA has a number of minor glitches in it anyway -
> e.g. it quoted the suggested file sizes for DRSYS as
> 20 GB - it couldn't cope with the fact that some files
> were supplied in MB, and some in KB. In fact the 20GB
> files generated a script item for 20 MB.
> Suggestion:
> Either use a pre-defined template database (the install
> will copy 600MB of templates onto your disc, even if
> you don't want them).
> Or use the DBCA to generate a script, but don't
> bother to run the scripts until you have read them
> and edited them to your own satisfaction.
> The full monty of install scripts took about 3 hours to
> run on my system.
> Allow
> 3 GB for the software install (600MB will be
> two template databases - 60MB is the oracle executable)
> 50MB in your oracle home directory
> 1.2 GB for your database mount point
> 1.5 GB if you want to copy the 3 CDs to the hard
> disk before starting
> 500MB of a directory you can set up as the TEMP
> or TMPDIR for the java machine to run from.
> Job completed (on autopilot) at midnight:30 Friday.
> --
> Jonathan Lewis
> Host to The Co-Operative Oracle Users' FAQ
> Author of:
> Practical Oracle 8i: Building Efficient Databases
> See
> For latest news of public appearances
> See
> Screen saver or Life saver:
> Use spare CPU to assist in cancer research.
Received on Sat Aug 25 2001 - 04:36:34 CDT

Original text of this message