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Re: Why doesn't Oracle care about Linux as IBM does?

From: Gerard Lapidario <>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 13:20:50 GMT
Message-ID: <SkOg7.7$>

"Charles J. Fisher" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, Dino Hsu wrote:
> > Furthermore, many people here (senior DBA's) don't think of Linux as a
> > 'Unix'. To them, Unix means IBM AIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, etc.. This
> > may be due to Linux's growing up from PC-based machines, although
> > later ported to many different H/W platforms.
> Why doesn't Oracle care much for Linux? Let us count the ways:
> 1. Lousy filesystem with max file size of 2 Gig and no LVM - although this
> has only recently been improved with the 2.4 kernel and 9i on SUSE.
> 2. Mainstream Linux is really only 32-bit x86 - Oracle doesn't support the
> 64-bit versions of Linux (yet). Linux and NT are the low-end bottom
> feeders of the supported Oracle platforms.
> 3. Lousy SMP scalability (4-8 processor max, compared to 64-128 for
> Alpha, Sparc, Power.
> 4. No high-end partitioning (and no, VmWare doesn't count). All the big
> players support this except AIX (I think).
> 5. Anybody trying to get scalability improvements into the kernel ends
> up pulling their hair out, Oracle included.
> 6. Spat with RedHat which resulted in the rebranded RedHat Database
> Edition packaged around PostgreSQL (which is dead in the water until
> a major ISV supports it - boneheaded move, RedHat!).
> When you look at it, SCO UnixWare is probably more scalable than Linux -
> but do you see Oracle rushing to support it? Be glad that Oracle does what
> they do with Linux; I would understand them dropping it completely.
> Larry occasionally has bad things to say about Linux - last I heard, he
> was admonishing Apps consultants not to even THINK about Linux. But then
> again, he is hawking that Linux-based network terminal, too.
> I do understand DB2's fixation on Linux - with it's "shared nothing"
> architecture, it is probably a better fit.

Good point. LINUX won't get you anywhere so Oracle should keep ignoring it :-)
Here's proof of how useless Linux is: ;-}

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> | Boo, Forever

> |

> | Spinning like a ghost on the bottom of a top,
> | I'm haunted by all the space that I will live
> | without you.

> |

> | -Richard Brautigan.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> / Charles J. Fisher | | /
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Wed Aug 22 2001 - 08:20:50 CDT

Original text of this message