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Re: Installing oracle8i on a pentium4

From: Carl Hathaway <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 08:22:27 +0100
Message-ID: <>


I have tried this option. It made no difference, the installer still failed to kick in.


Galen Boyer wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, wrote:
> > I have a pentium 4 pc running win2k pro. I'm trying to install
> > oracle 8.1.7 but the Oracle Universal Installer fails to
> > start. This is apparently a known bug with no patch.
> I was curious, because I have pentium 3 on win2k pro and it
> installed fine. Google produced the following answer.
> ,----
> | From: Free (
> | Subject: Re: Oracle 8.1.7 Windows 2000 Install does Not Work
> | Newsgroups:
> | View complete thread (4 articles)
> | Date: 2001-04-11 07:40:14 PST
> |
> |
> |
> | This alert was nodified 16-January-2001 to Oracle : Oracle Universal
> | Installer (OUI) for 8.1.x Hangs on Machines with Pentium 4
> |
> | Versions Affected :
> |
> | Oracle Universal Installer
> | Oracle Universal Installer
> | Oracle Universal Installer
> |
> | Platforms Affected :
> |
> | Any platform that uses the Intel Pentium 4 processor, with the Sun JRE
> | and Symmantec JIT will encounter this problem. Windows NT, Windows 2000
> | and NetWare platforms are confirmed to be affected.
> |
> | Solution :
> |
> | 1 - It is also recomended to configure Windows to use only 256 colors.
> |
> | 2 - Not only will OUI be affected by this bug, most of the post-install
> | configuration tools will also be affected. Running these tools with "-nojit"
> | specified will avoid the hang, but it is not simple to specify "-nojit" for
> | some of the products.
> |
> | The following workaround works for the Windows operating system:
> |
> | a. Copy only the install directory from the CD to the hard disk ,say,
> | e:\temp.
> |
> | b. Open oraparam.ini and make the following modifications (Assuming CD
> | drive is f:)
> |
> | * Change the "SOURCE=" line to use the full path to the CD instead of a
> | relative path. (i.e., SOURCE=f:\stage\products.jar)
> |
> | * Change the "JRE_LOCATION" line to use the full path to the CD instead of a
> | relative path. (i.e.,
> | JRE_LOCATION=f:\stage\Components\oracle\swd\jre\1.1.7\1\DataFiles\Expanded)
> |
> | * Change the "OUI_LOCATION" line to use the full path to the CD instead of a
> | relative path. (i.e.,
> | OUI_LOCATION=f:\stage\Components\oracle\swd\oui\\1\DataFiles\Expand
> | ed
> |
> | * Change the "JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS" line to add "-nojit" as the first
> | argument.
> | (i.e., JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS=-nojit -ms16m -mx32m)
> | ^^^^^^
> | * Other entries should remain the same
> |
> | c. Launch setup.exe from the temporary location on your hard drive (i.e.
> | e:\temp\install\win32\setup.exe). This will use the modified
> | oraparam.ini and pick up the information from the CD since the absolute
> | locations are specified.
> |
> | Choose a Custom install and choose not to create a database during the
> | install. This way, the Database Configuration Assistant will not be launched
> | during installation.
> |
> | The Net8 Configuration Assistant will still be launched, and there is no way
> | to suppress it. You will need to kill the Net8 Configuration Assistant if it
> | hangs due to the bug. The installation still will have been successful, and
> | you can run the DBCA and NetCA after installation.
> |
> | To kill NetCA if it hangs during installation:
> | In the "Configuration Tools" window, highlight the "Net8 Configuration
> | Assistant" and click "Stop". If that does not work, look for the most recent
> | JRE process using the Task Manager, and kill it manually. NOTE: the OUI
> | itself will also have a jre process. Be sure to kill the one with the most
> | recent date, which should be the jre process being used for Net8CA, not the
> | one for OUI itself.
> |
> | After killing the configuration tools and continuing through the
> | installation
> | to the "End of Installation" screen, you should modify the configuration
> | tools
> | to use "-nojit", then call the appropriate tools from the Start Menu.
> |
> | Once installation is complete, each of the following files in the
> | needs to be modified:
> |
> | assistants\dbca\
> | assistants\dbma\
> | assistants\ifa\
> | bin\
> | bin\
> | ldap\oidamdin\
> | network\tools\
> | network\tools\
> | owm\install\
> | owm\install\
> |
> | Edit the contents of the above files to add "-nojit" as shown below:
> | Command=("C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.7\BIN\JREW" -nojit -classpath ....
> | this is the only thing you need to add --> ^^^^^^
> |
> | Then, launch the necessary tools, like Net8CA and DBCA from the Start Menu.
> `----
> HTH.
> --
> Galen Boyer
> It seems to me, I remember every single thing I know.
Received on Thu Aug 16 2001 - 02:22:27 CDT

Original text of this message