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Re: Why doesn't Oracle care about Linux as IBM does?

From: Jerry Stuckle <>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 13:19:09 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Nuno Souto wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 10:55:08 -0400, Jerry Stuckle
> <> wrote:
> Good. Then what was the problem with 9i? I seem to recall it being
> available for download on most UNIX platforms in less than 15 days?
> Sure, the NT port is not yet available. I suspect it will never be:
> they will concentrate on making it work with XP, as soon as they can
> get a stable version out of M$. I for one prefer it that way.

I don't know what the problem with 9i is. Although I could make some guesses, they would be just that, so I'll refrain.

> That's something you take as a given in open-source s/w: there may be
> incompatibilities we are not aware of, which usually have a solution
> if anyone cares enough to look them up. That *care* seems to also be
> a given of the vast majority of open software users. Or do you expect
> shrink-wrapped "pragmatic" solutions there too?

I've seen people with all kinds of problesm installing open source software, too. And enterprises can't get the necessary support when something goes wrong. When was the last time you heard of any open-source project sending people to customer's site to resolve a problem? Both IBm and Oracle do this. Or have an extensive support hierarchy? Both IBM and Oracle
have this.

Rather, companies have to dig through the source code and try to fix it themselves, or hire someone else to do it. Both cost money. Big companies typically don't want to spend their resources, and small companies don't have the resources. Open source is OK for some things, but not everything.

Sure, having the source code can be a plus - if you want to modify it to suit your needs. But most companies don't want to pay for a product and then keep on paying to make it work.

> Cheers
> Nuno Souto

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Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
Received on Tue Aug 14 2001 - 12:19:09 CDT

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