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Re: NLS Part III - i really need help ... !!!

From: Deborah Dawicki <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 10:43:55 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I'm hoping this will help your specific problem. Why not change NLS_Lang for the 1st 2 database to UTF8 so they are all consistent.. There is a blurb on changing NLS_Lang on


Ingmar wrote:

> OK, I hope there is somebody out there that is familiar with NLS. I already
> posted a message today.
> I have Solaris 7 running Oracle 8.1.7
> I created three databases with three different character sets:
> 1.) US7ASCII
> 2.) WE8ISO8859P9
> 3.) UTF8
> The goal: Realize what settings influence the ability to create European
> chars and have a correct sort order
> OK, so what's the problem. This is what I tested
> Chars entered at Characters seen (visible)
> Database
> ============================================================================
> ==========
> öäü server (local) öäü
> US7ASCII (1.)
> äöü remote win32 sqlplus client oau
> US7ASCII (1.)
> öäü server (local) vd|
> WE8ISO8859P9 (2.)
> äöü remote win32 sqlplus client äöü
> WE8ISO8859P9 (2.)
> öäü server (local) vd|
> UTF8 (3.)
> äöü remote win32 sqlplus client äöü
> UTF8 (3.)
> If I enter umlauts directly at the server with sqlplus with an insert, then
> the chars will look
> correctly only in the first db. For whatever reason, theoretically I would
> think that a 7bit
> database character set shouldn't even be able to save it as an "ä" - but it
> does.
> If I connect to the same DB from a remote win32 machine, the chars get
> converted to the same
> char without the dots. This is what I would expect the DB to do.
> The other databases, that should support the umlauts, only support them when
> I enter them from
> the remote client.
> Exception: If I enter "öäü" on db 1. or 2. and view them locally at the
> server, I see "oau". If
> I enter them at the server, I see "vd|". That shows me that the server is
> converting when working
> over the listener - right?
> Sort order:
> The sort order will only be correct (after setting NLS_LANGUAGE or NLS_SORT)
> if I use one of the
> latter databases, not the first one.
> The problem:
> We have a server based daemon that writes on behalf of the clients, so the
> umlauts work only
> in the US7ASCII db where, in turn, the sort order won't work. Another thing
> is, besides that
> problem, that I don't even remotely understand why this works for the
> US7ASCII db. Is it because
> my Solaris box is configured for US ASCII? I tried different 'locale'
> settings with 'export LANG=...'
> with no effect.
> Now as you can see I already set up a funky little test environment here and
> I am getting more
> desperate EVERY DAY. So please help if your familiar with NLS or maybe just
> explain to me silly boy
> why things are the way they are.
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Ingmar.
> --
> Regards,
> Ingmar.
> ==========================================================
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> ==========================================================
  Received on Thu Jun 28 2001 - 12:43:55 CDT

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