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Re: Oracle8i - Node name and ghost imaging!

From: Paul Drake <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 18:22:04 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Trevor Bell wrote:
> I am trying to install Oracle 8i onto a workstation. This computer is to be
> used for taking an image for putting on all the computers in the office.
> The problem that I have is that Oracle8i automatically takes the computer
> name as the node name. Once this has happened I can find no way of changing
> the node name. I am also unable to change the computer name because if I do
> I can't start the Oracle services because of the name conflicts. Does
> anyone know how to change either the default of computer name being taken,
> or how to change the computer name after the install or the node after
> install so that imaging software an be used. Otherwise all the computers
> will have the same name and the same node and hence their host will be the
> same making it impossible to change the tnsnames file to log onto another
> computers database.
> --
> Trevor
> POWERtec Systems and Consultancy Ltd
> Tel: 0118 935 0009 Fax: 0118 935 0001

Do you mean that you are installing Oracle 8i Server on each workstation?
If you are installing the Oracle 8i Client, the same tnsnames.ora file can be used, as the workstations will be connecting to the same server(s) - not the local host.
Also - if you are installing clients - there are no services to be created.

If you are cloning Oracle Servers, you could run post-cloning scripts to rename the local database(s).
Basically, you create a backup controlfile to trace, edit the file to rename the database and execute it (nomount) to create a new controlfile.
You can have the same ORACLE_SID on different servers in the same domain, but the global database name (service_name) should be unique. As the same OracleService%ORACLE_SID% can be used on each workstation - I don't see the problem here.
This just means that the ORACLE_SID != v$ I believe that if you use a service name of <v$>.<hostname>.<domain_name> e.g. that you could still have the same db_name on each host.


Paul Received on Sun Jun 10 2001 - 13:22:04 CDT

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