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Re: feature & performance comparison

From: Jim Kennedy <>
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2001 19:02:07 GMT
Message-ID: <PouU6.136110$>

If I can't figure it out and try again and again I curse each time. Is that recursive? :-)

There is a connect by feature in Oracle; usually used for relationships in a table. (e.g an employee and their mgr, and the mgrs mgr etc.)


"Blair Kenneth Adamache" <> wrote in message
> Does Oracle have recursive SQL? Chris Date (speaking in general about
> science, not relational technology) said somewhere that anything without
> recursion is no good. DB2 has recursive SQL. It's very powerful for bill
> materials, and near-insolvable problems like the traveling salesman. Mind
> you still have to bound the traveling salesman problem, or it is truly
> insolvable.
> Srinivas Venigalla wrote:
> > Alright, this is a flame war. Let me add some fuel.
> >
> > There are may ways to make money. Much easier ways than learning to be
> > Oracle programmer/dba. *Yikes*
> >
> > Relational databases have a sacred origin. Codd is God. Date is St.Paul.
> > Don Chamberlin is Moses.
> >
> > Most Oracle touters do not know that Relational Logic is the backbone
> > the SQL.
> >
> > There are two properties your SQL must possess. The principle of
> > Orthogonality and the principle of Closure. No other RDBMS
> > supports these two principles as DB2 does.
> >
> > If any of you do not know what these two principles are, how powerful
> > are, and what they can do to make you a killer SQL programmer, first go
> > learn them.
> >
> > Then we will talk about comparing Db2 with Oracle or Sybase. Till then,
> > up, and go learn. You may not get it on Amazon.
> >
> > ;-)
> >
> > Daniel A. Morgan <> wrote in message
> >
> > > swp wrote:
> > >
> > > > I am posting this to both the Oracle and DB2 newsgroups in the hopes
> > > > that I will get a better set of answers.
> > > >
> > > > I would like to see a comparison of features that are in Oracle 9i
> > > > the latest version of DB2. I have heard that DB2 is blowing Oracle
> > > > away right now, at least until the middle/end of summer. [I can't
> > > > remember where I read that review.] An objective comparison by an
> > > > independent third party would be best, of course. Or if anyone out
> > > > there has already done one for themselves that would be appreciated
> > > > well. Just a comparison of the features, not what they can or
> > > > be used to do or when or under what circumstances ~ that leads to
> > > > individual opinion creeping in too much.
> > > >
> > > > I would also like a performance comparison of the two. How they
> > > > on up similar machines with similar user loads across a wide variety
> > > > of platforms. I am sure that someone has already done this, perhaps
> > > > the Gartner Group, but I cannot find an honest "apples to apples"
> > > > comparison anywhere.
> > > >
> > > > TIA,
> > > >
> > > > swp
> > >
> > > Without fear of contradiction I can tell you that people that know
> > > think DB/2 is the lesser of the two. And people that know DB/2 have a
> > > different opinion. You will learn nothing of value asking the
> > > you asked.
> > >
> > > Nor given that both are very strong products will you find significant
> > > differences in performance, security, stability, and the other things
> > > matter.
> > >
> > > Where you will find significant differences are in regional usage,
> > > compensation, and job availability.
> > >
> > > If you want to learn something to earn a merit badge it matters not
> > > one you learn. But if the idea is to get a job and get paid then let
> > > and your local classified ads answer the question as to which
> > > is best.
> > >
> > > I chose Oracle for the above reason and for one more that is equally
> > > important. The availability of training materials. Go to
> > > look up books that will teach you DB/2. Find any? Now do the same for
> > > Oracle.
> > >
> > > Software is a tool. I use the tool that has the greatest payoff (every
> > > payday).
> > >
> > > Daniel A. Morgan
> > >
Received on Sat Jun 09 2001 - 14:02:07 CDT

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