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Re: SAP and Oracle interface

From: Ted Knijff <>
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2001 17:30:49 GMT
Message-ID: <>

My opinion (for what ist is worth) is to stick to the standard SAP specs, namely IDOCS, on the SAP side of the interface. In this way you will at least know what is going to change at the next release of R/3. It is a hell of a job to change the interfaces every time a new release of R/3 comes out (3.0 to 4.0 to 4.6 were all major updates) at least once a year.

But that is how we earn our money !


On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 13:50:05 -0400, "FMig" <> wrote:

>Thanks John.
>Unfortunately we don't have Delphi...
>But as you said, there is not much documentation on the subject. There must
>be some way to talk with SAP without using an Oracle DB-link.
>When I call SAP they tell me to call Oracle and when I call Oracle they tell
>me to call SAP ... (?!)
>There is some doc on technet about Idocs and Java to communicate with SAP
>but I would like
>to talk to someone that have experience on the subject.
>"John Edward Scott" <> wrote in message
>> I did this a couple of years ago, except we had a Delphi application
>> between the Oracle box and the SAP box. The Delphi application uses Oracle
>> alerts and pipes to communicate with the Oracle DB and used RFC to
>> communicate with the SAP box (which was a NIGHTMARE to configure from
>> scratch due to a lack of decent documentation). I'm not saying this is the
>> best way to do it, but it DOES work and was used in a production system
>> could usually update the SAP system within a couple of seconds of
>> happening within the Oracle DB and vice-versa).
>> John.
>> "FMig" <> wrote in message
>> news:bo6T6.22263$
>> > I am looking for some advice on how to interface with SAP.
>> >
>> > Should we use Idocs, Mapi , Tapi , Java or some other tools ?
>> >
>> > We have an 8.1.7 Oracle database and we would like to read some data
>> > another Oracle Database that uses SAP.
>> >
>> > TIA.
>> >
>> > Francis
>> >
>> >

EMail: Received on Sat Jun 09 2001 - 12:30:49 CDT

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