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Re: feature & performance comparison

From: Dino Hsu <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 10:18:33 +0800
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

Two pieces of contradictory information for your reference:

1.on Oracle site:
URL: Title:
"Oracle the #1 Database, Says Dataquest - Widens worldwide database market lead by 3.7 percent over IBM"
"In the worldwide database market, Oracle leads in market share for the fourth consecutive year. Oracle's market share grew from 31.1 percent in 1999 to 33.8 percent in 2000, a 2.7 percent jump. In contrast, IBM's market share barely budged: it increased just .2 percent, from 29.9 percent to 30.1 percent. Overall, this market grew 10 percent in 2000." a local weekly business magazine published just now (June 8th): Title:
"Why IBM makes Oracle's Ellison sleepless?" Quote: (translated into English)
"Although Oracle owns a 50% non-mainframe market share, its sales has been at a standstill for the past two quaters. At the same time, IBM gained a 36% growth in High-end Unix Open System area, while Oracle did only 6%. After acquiring Informix, the No. 2 database vendor, on April 24th, IBM became the No. 2 non-mainframe vendor, with a 25% market share."

HTI, Dino

On Fri, 08 Jun 2001 00:58:48 GMT, "Jim Kennedy" <> wrote:

>Flame war brewing.
>I did notice on the Oracle site an article stating that IBM showed off their
>new servers by using Oracle to get some great tpc-c benchmark numbers. The
>article goes on to wonder why they did not use DB2 (fair question).
>Draw your own conclusions.
>"swp" <> wrote in message
>> I am posting this to both the Oracle and DB2 newsgroups in the hopes
>> that I will get a better set of answers.
>> I would like to see a comparison of features that are in Oracle 9i and
>> the latest version of DB2. I have heard that DB2 is blowing Oracle
>> away right now, at least until the middle/end of summer. [I can't
>> remember where I read that review.] An objective comparison by an
>> independent third party would be best, of course. Or if anyone out
>> there has already done one for themselves that would be appreciated as
>> well. Just a comparison of the features, not what they can or should
>> be used to do or when or under what circumstances ~ that leads to
>> individual opinion creeping in too much.
>> I would also like a performance comparison of the two. How they stack
>> on up similar machines with similar user loads across a wide variety
>> of platforms. I am sure that someone has already done this, perhaps
>> the Gartner Group, but I cannot find an honest "apples to apples"
>> comparison anywhere.
>> TIA,
>> swp
Received on Sat Jun 09 2001 - 21:18:33 CDT

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