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Re: Antisemitism And Anti-Americanism At Oracle

From: Brian Wheeler <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 23:11:26 GMT
Message-ID: <yYcU6.3583$>

What a crock of bullsh*t.
Oracle is made up of all sizes, shapes, colors, and religious backgrounds of people. We all
work together with a common goal... to make the company stronger.

If H1B employees are doing as you say, then it is not an Oracle policy... it is bigotism on the
part of the foreign employees. Every company has bad apples.

If a few bad managers (out of the many!) are acting as you say, this does not reflect on the whole
corporate policy, just on the rottenness of a few idiots. With a corporation as large as Oracle, it
is not unlikely that a few will show up.

If you have proof of your rantings, then show it. Otherwise, remember that there are libel laws in
this country. Put up or shut up.

<> wrote in message
> As many of you are aware, Oracle Corporation under the current CEO,
> Larry Elllison, has corporate policies of antisemitism and
> anti-Americanism toward its employees. New employees are routinely
> quizzed by their managers concerning their ethnic and religious
> affiliations. If you are found to be a Jew, you are denied
> assignments, do not get the same employee benefits and are slowly
> pushed out.
> Further, it is standard practice for managers who are here on H1B
> visas to work for the dismissal of Americans so they can be replaced
> with other H1B workers from their home countries.
> As a result, a group of former and current employees who have been
> subjected to these practices have joined together to fight back. A
> new organization has been formed called KO - Knockout Oracle.
> KO's goal is to educate the public and American business in
> particular about this discrimination. We will be speaking to as many
> businesses as possible urging them not to buy Oracle products and not
> to use Oracle consulting services as long as these practices continue.
> Over the next few weeks a web site will appear spelling out in more
> detail these atrocities. Already, however, a civil rights complaint
> has been filed with the US Government against Oracle and three Oracle
> employees who has engaged in antisemitic practices toward employees.
> Join us in this nation-wide boycott of Oracle. Fight antisemitism.
> Fight for equal rights for American workers.
Received on Fri Jun 08 2001 - 18:11:26 CDT

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