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Re: Thread 1 cannot allocate new log

From: Anne Williamson <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 09:16:03 +1000
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Murali and Vinayak. I'll increase the size of the redo logs and try again. This is why I have a test database!


OracleMS wrote:
> Hi Anne,
> This means that checkpoints are occuring too often. During
> checkpoints, all data in the buffer cache is flushed to disk, and the
> headers of the datafiles and controlfiles are updated. This aids us
> during recovery. Checkpoints also cause a substantial overhead if you
> have a lot of datafiles. Checkpoints are controlled by the init.ora
> parameters LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL (will cause checkpoint after this
> many OS blocks are written) and LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT (will cause
> checkpoint after this many seconds). They also HAVE to occur at every
> redo log switch. In your case, if your redo logs are too small and
> there is a lot of activity in the database, the logs switch very fast
> and consequently cause checkpoints to occur. Before one checkpoint can
> complete, another log switch occurs, triggering another checkpoint,
> and so on. With this message, Oracle is telling you that since the
> logs are switching so fast, it could not complete the checkpoint that
> had started at the previous log switch. So the solution to this is to
> increase the size of your redo logs and have a minimum of three groups
> so that redo logs will not switch so fast.
> Hope that helps.
> Murali
> Anne Williamson <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > Yesterday I was doing a schema update on my test database, using scripts
> > supplied by the third party who supplies the end-user application.
> > Looking at the alert log I noticed a number of messages like this:
> >
> > Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 1609
> > Checkpoint not complete
> >
> > There is no Oracle error message reported. I couldn't find anything
> > about it in the Oracle error messages manual. The scripts all seemed to
> > complete happily.
> >
> > Does anyone know what is causing these messages? How do I stop them?
> > What is the result of these incomplete checkpoints?
> >
> > Digital Unix 4.0F, Oracle
> >
> > Many thanks in advance

Anne Williamson
Melbourne, Australia
Received on Tue Jun 05 2001 - 18:16:03 CDT

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