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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Exporting user's data to new database
Ok, I'm running Oracle 8.1.5i on Solaris. The database has two database instances on it, named: k51 and k52.
k51 has two additional tablespaces on the drive under:
The user that logs into the database is called k5u.
The end users are having problems with that database instance due to some SQL script that was run on it. What I want to do is take all the data stored in k51 for user k5u, and place it in k52. Of course the tablespace needs to be created for k52, but in a different spot of course. How do I go about doing this? Also, will I need to recreate k5u on the second database, or can I somehow reassociate all the info with a user called k5u2 on the the k52 database instance?
Tried exp/imp, but when I did an imp show=y I couldn't find any of the data in the dump file that I knew was in the database, like usernames. Thanks.
By the way, I have access to the OEM tools if that will help any.
Newsgroup replies preferred. Remove nospam when replying thru email. Received on Thu Jun 08 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT