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Re: Restricting access to Source of procedures

From: Martin Haltmayer <>
Date: 2000/06/03
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Hi Allan,

wrap iname=<your_sql_source_code>

Attention: Do not use &variables because they prevent wrapping!


Allan Morris wrote:
> Bonyata,
> I have already this type of functionality imbedded in the system but it is not
> the execution that I am concerned about it's the viewing the source. When I do
> this I can still see the text of the procedures. I still don't really understand
> how or where I get the information on the wrap/encryption functions.
> Thanks
> Allan
> Bonyata wrote:
> > You also have a third option.
> >
> > 1) Create a role called exec_procedures.
> > 2) Grant execute on all procedures to that role.
> > 3) Grant exec_procedures to all users, enabling password protection.
> > 4) Alter the users so that exec_procedures is NOT a default role.
> > 5) Go into your first login screen, and add code that will enable that role.
> > 6) Revoke execute privileges that were granted to the users.
> >
> > What this does:
> > Since the role is not a default role, it is not enabled automatically when a
> > user logs into SQLPlus. Since it is password protected, they cannot turn it
> > on in SQLPlus. Therefore, within SQLPlus they will not have any privileges
> > to roles.
> > However, within Forms you are going to enable the role, so within their
> > forms sessions, users will have the ability to execute procedures.
> > I think you can search Forms HELP (try looking under 'session'). It gives a
> > pretty good write-up of how to implement.
> > Also, if your reports call procedures, then you'll need to pass the enabled
> > role with password as a parameter to the report (there is a specific 'run as
> > role' parameter that you use for this).
> > I have used both this method and the encryption method for security. Both
> > worked very well, although the encryption makes things difficult for
> > developers since they can't use dba_source to check what code is in
> > production. You may want to only encrypt the more sensitive code.
> >
> > Allan Morris <> wrote in message
> >
> > > I am running 7.1.6 of the database.
> > >
> > > I am trying to restrict the users from viewing the source of objects ie
> > > the source of procedures/triggers when in Sqlplus, as I see it I have
> > > two options :
> > >
> > > 1/ Remove any public grants/synonyms on all the system objects. Or
> > > simply on the views all_source and all_triggers.
> > >
> > > 2/ Encrypt the procedures/triggers in the database. Can someone point me
> > > in the right direction on how to do this ?
> > >
> > > Which is the best way to go ?
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Allan
> > >
> > >
> > >
> --
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Received on Sat Jun 03 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT

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