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Re: MS SQL Server vs Oracle vs DB2 (&Sybase too)

From: Blair Kenneth Adamache <>
Date: 2000/06/03
Message-ID: <>#1/1

I admit my bias - I'm a development manager for DB2 on Solaris on Solaris, HP-UX and Linux in the IBM Toronto Lab. I didn't say that DB2 was replacing Sybase at J.P. Morgan - the press release jointly issued by J.P. Morgan and IBM said that.

Eric Miner wrote:

> Come on Blair. You know damn well that DB2 isn't 'replacing' ASE at Morgan. They
> decided, like many companies do, to use technology from two vendors. The Street
> hates Oracle and they ruled MSSQL 7 out as unable to scale to the enterprise
> level. They decided on ASE and DB2. Now, if you knew what's going on you'd know
> that all their trading systems run on ASE (an dit will stay that way) and it's
> their distributed db of choice. You'd also know that Moragn and Sybase started a
> web-based company together to deal with on-line derivatives - Cygnifi.
> Sorry but I doubt folks here want hype from the marketing department.
> I always point out my bias, I don't see that you have. I also don't see which
> department at IBM you're with, care to state that?
> As for the comments from another poster on the ASE optimizer - you really
> haven't used ASE in some time have you? The issues you mention have been gone
> for a very long time.
> I worked for a while at a major
> Later,
> Eric Miner
> Engineering
> "These are my opinions, nobody else's"
> Blair Kenneth Adamache wrote:
> > Wall Street is not a Sybase monopoly anymore. Merrill Lynch replaced a
> > Sybase client-server model with DB2 on OS/390. J.P. Morgan and IBM issued
> > this press release in February:
> >
> > J.P. Morgan to Base Future IT Architecture on IBM e-business Software
> >
> > Joins IBM's Growing Roster of e-business Software Customers
> > on Wall Street
> >
> >
Received on Sat Jun 03 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT

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