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Re: starting svrmgrl caused immediately an Oracle error

From: Sudarshan Sampath <>
Date: 2000/06/01
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Firstly, connect internal authenticates the system user as also the owner of the Oracle software. You must do a connect internal successfully only if you installed the Oracle software as yourself (current user).

Secondly, the internal user must be an operating system user with DBA as its primary group. For example,

User: oracle1
Group: dba

Login into your Linux as oracle1 (OS login) and then start Server Manager.

True, connect internal is supposed to log you in without any passwords but it bears direct relevance to your OS login and you must look into it first.

Hope it helps.

lam wrote:

> I installed Oracle 8i on my RH61 Linux box. I am preparing to create the
> first instance that I call TST3. The password file orapwtst3 and
> inittst3.ora file have been created on $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. The ORACLE_SID
> variable was set up and exported. Yet when I start server manger to
> create the instance, several odd things occured:
> *************************************************************************
> [oracle8i_at_feb2000 create]$ echo $ORACLE_SID
> tst3
> [oracle8i_at_feb2000 create]$ svrmgrl
> Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
> (c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
> ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
> SVRMGR> connect internal
> Password:
> ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
> SVRMGR> exit
> Server Manager complete.
> *************************************************************************
> First, he ORA-12545 suggest some kind of network error, but in this I
> dont have any instance set up yet so I did not bother to set up the
> network config files properly. Is svrmgrl seriously trying to connect to
> TST3 when no connect string has been passed yet? On NT (with Oracle
> 8.0.4 though), I do not experience this problem.
> Second, in all the 8i installation guides I saw, the command "connect
> internal" is supposed to connect without any password so that one can
> create the database. Not so on my box. I will get the error message
> regardless if I entered the password correctly (the message doesnot
> suggest a wrong password anyway).
> Do the experts have any idea what could be wrong? Could it some Oracle
> server processes need to be started first? Or the svrmgrl binary I got
> is crap?
> --
> To reply to me via email, please substitute the text no_spam with
> mailbox in the return address.
Received on Thu Jun 01 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT

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