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c.d.o.server: by subject
- 8i on Intel-based Unix & that f****** licensing
- backup strategies
- Buffer overflow error
- BUFFER_POOL_KEEP Init.ora Parameter
- Can a stored function returns a value to ASP ADO
- Cannot Drop Table
- Column priority in table definition?
- Creating a new database
- Deadlock on INSERT...RETURNING with trigger
- Default Database Path ...
- Does anyone out there use PHP and Oracle?
- Dynamic SQL
- Email
- Error: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
- How to build an OCI application under Solaris 7?
- How to clear SQL screen?
- How to remove Deadlocks on Oracle DB 7.3.3
- Man pages for Oracle commands....
- More questions on tablespaces
- MTS & Oracle 8i
- MTS reduce CPU consumption
- mutating table error message..
- My Enterprise manager console ( help please!)
- Newbie: Number of tables (fine grained vs. coarse)?
- Obvious problems
- OCP Cert: Book and Selfttestsoftware.com
- ORA-12560 ERROR
- Oracle 8.0.4 and HPUX 11.0 swap
- Oracle error messages in a easily accessible format
- Oracle on 2000
- Oracle8i on Linux: java/lang/Thread
- Parameters for multiple CPU systems
- Passing a record to a Java Stored Procedure
- please send me the glibcpatch.tgz for redhat 6.0
- Problem with dynamic SQL
- Problems with database links on SUN OS.
- Prohibit updating Primary Key?
- Questions on extents, etc.
- Req help: Oracle 8.0.5 Server Edition and RedHat Linux 6.1, creating a new SID
- see lonyx.com (was Mutating table error message)
- SID's on netware
- System Sizing question
- will oracle 8.0.5 work on Windows 2000
- Last message date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 06:57:46 CST