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Re: SQL*Forms 2.3 conversion/V2 triggers in Oracle Forms

From: Andrew Kot <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 19:52:13 +1100
Message-ID: <810enm$1j5o$>

The conversion can be done in the following steps: 1) run Oracle utility iac30, to convert Forms 2.3 to Forms 3.0 2) use Logical2*3 Convertor program from Australian company LogicalTech (, to convert triggers steps v2 to Pl/SQL v3, and finally
3) use SierraAtlantic product FormsGenie to migrate to Froms 4.5/5.0

LogicalTech is an Australian company and they have their own methodology for the above conversions. The Logical2*3 convertor is a proprietory software.

I hope it can help you

Andrew Kot

RickHens wrote:

> I have been asked to convert an SQL*Forms 2.3 (which contains V2 triggers)
> application running Oracle 6.03 to Developer 2000/Oracle 7.3.4 in order to
> achieve Y2K compliance. The system is and will remain a character mode
> implementation running on SCO OpenServer 5.0.5. Obviously, I do not have much
> time left. The database migration is a lesser concern than the forms
> conversion.
> My first option is to simply convert the v2.3 forms to Forms 4.5 and leave the
> triggers as V2 rather than convert to PL/SQL. I'm thinking that the conversion
> would go relatively fast. My question is whether or not the v4.5 forms will
> function identically without having to modify any code. If that is required,
> we would have to convert each trigger needing modification to PL/SQL since V2
> triggers cannot be modified in Forms 4.5.
> My second option is to convert the v2.3 forms to v3.0, save the forms in the
> database and run a PL/SQL package that I downloaded from Frank Naude's Oracle
> FAQ page to convert the V2 trigger steps to PL/SQL. After this package
> converts the trigger steps to PL/SQL, we will convert the v3.0 forms to v4.5.
> My question here is has anyone out there every used the Frank Naude PL/SQL
> package to convert their V2 triggers and if so, did it do a good job or did the
> forms require a good bit of modification to work properly?
> My third option is to purchase forms conversion tools from Kumaran or Sierra
> Atlantic to convert the forms. My question here is how good of a job did these
> tools do?
> I would appreciate any information on this topic.
> Thanks,
> Rick Hensley
Received on Thu Nov 18 1999 - 02:52:13 CST

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