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Re: PLSQL Error: ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence

From: TurkBear <>
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 20:55:07 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Without seeing the actual code for the procedure, this is only a general response:

The most common reason for this error is the cursor being closed and then another fetch being issued - check your code for nested loops and be sure the close cursor ( explicit and implicit ) instructions are properly 'scoped' - that is they operate in the correct sequence ( even when exceptions are raised in one of the loops...)

John Greco   

D Hauser <> wrote:

>Hi there,
>I am writing a stored package to load some data from a temp table to a
>prod table. The proc. uses a for cursor loop where the contents of the
>load table are held in the cursor.
>It also uses SAVEPOINTs to implement an optimal commit requirement where
>a save point is set every time the DB is successfully written to and
>after OPTIMAL_COMMIT_LEVEL number of writes have been made, a commit is
>The cursor isNOT an UPDATEable is my error
>UNEXPECTED ERROR: ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence
>If you have any ideas please let me know,
>PS: here is the OERR o/p
>SQL> host oerr ora 01002
>01002, 00000, "fetch out of sequence"
>// *Cause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a
>// which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop
>// implicitly does fetches, and thus may also cause this error.
>// There are a number of possible causes for this error,
>// 1) Fetching from a cursor after the last row has been
>// and the ORA-1403 error returned.
>// 2) If the cursor has been opened with the FOR UPDATE clause,
>// fetching after a COMMIT has been issued will return the
>// 3) Rebinding any placeholders in the SQL statement, then
>// a fetch before reexecuting the statement.
>// *Action: 1) Do not issue a fetch statement after the last row has
>// retrieved - there are no more rows to fetch.
>// 2) Do not issue a COMMIT inside a fetch loop for a cursor
>// that has been opened FOR UPDATE.
>// 3) Reexecute the statement after rebinding, then attempt to
>// fetch again.
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