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Re: Which SUN machine?

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 14:06:41 +0100
Message-ID: <71cdm2$4nn$>

I think that the volumes described here imposes a parallel architecture = with a minimum of 2 processors per machine, plus at least 512MB of RAM = par machine to allow a large SGA with many buffers for fast indizes. You = need multiple disks to store your database (a count of at least 8 disks = of 4.5GB each should be good, plus mirror disks if you need it), and you = can partition your large tables on several spaces. You will need = efficient parallel I/O (so you'll need a Sparc Storage Cluster for = efficient hardware mirroring). You will need Oracle Parallel Server = Option to manage all this efficiently (mainly for your directory search = within millions of records). And you must study the storage options very = seriously when creating your database schema (because there will be = numerous inserts thoughout its use). Your estimated size gives = approximate row size of 1.5KB inclusing indizes rows. This is quite = large for a table with millions of lines. You should study indizes = partitioning for efficient parallelism of searches.

Carsten Grammes a écrit dans le message = <71c04b$n4k$>...
>Hi Sun and Oracle specialists,
>We have the problem to determine for an offer that we have to submit
>*until tomorrow* what kind of machine would be suitable for a data base =

>application that we are offering. The machine should be Sun Solaris
>(Sparc) and the guys from Sun told us that they need information of the =

>kind "this application corresponds to a standard benchmark value of =
>and such".
>We have 2 tables with 6 Million records each, all together ca. 24 GByte =

>data (incl. indizes etc.)
>There are 2 independant systems (each with its own copy of the data =
>1. 12 user, 4 DB transactions in 2,5 sec real
>2. unattended system (i.e. no users), 4000 DB transactions in 1h
>(application can be implemented such that several transcartions are
>carried out in parallel, although we would prefer to implement
>sequential processing)
>The DB transactions are quite trivial (append or read after simple
>query ("C-ISAM" functionality)) (directory search and writing
>statistics records)
>Thanks for any help,
>Carsten Grammes, Physicist Internet:
>Tel ++49 6897 935-0
>I want to die peacefully in sleep like my grandfather.
>Not screaming in terror like his passengers.
Received on Fri Oct 30 1998 - 07:06:41 CST

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